Photos: One mission, one family - UMMC takes on COVID-19
Published on Monday, April 13, 2020
From toting pizzas to exhausted coworkers to stocking personal protective gear in Garage B, Medical Center employees are taking care of patients and each other. The employees' reach extends beyond campus as they continue one-day COVID-19 testing sites in the state's far corners and a seven-days-a-week specimen collection operation at the Mississippi Fairgrounds in Jackson.

Reminders of the Medical Center's unity in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic pop up in all corners of campus.

Ashley Brown, left, and Jeshanah Johnson, medical students, collect donated COVID-19 supplies from a drop box at the student union.

A face shield frame emerges from a 3-D printer in the office of Dr. Joseph Chaudry, assistant professor of radiology and director of the Division of Musculoskeletal Radiology. The department is producing about 15 face shields per day for health care workers. The printer spits out the frames; the material for the clear plastic shields comes from a supplier.

Camille Richards, executive director of the University Heart Cardiovascular Service Line, works in the COVID-19 Command Center in Hospital Administration.

Jim Cowley, carpenter, hangs banners in the breezeway to the School of Dentistry.

Suzanne Musgrove, left, and Margaret Workman, nurses, unload a stack of pizzas headed for their 2 North unit.

Dr. Michal Senitko, left, assistant professor of medicine in the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, tries on one of Dr. Joseph Chaudry's 3-D-printed face shields. Chaudry is experimenting with other 3-D-printed items, including hands-free door openers.

Among those assisting the Medical Center with critically needed medical supplies is Cathead Distillery, which is helping produce hand sanitizer.

UMMC employees and students don personal protective equipment for COVID-19 sample collections April 8 at Traceway Park in Clinton.

Dr. Frank Han, a fellow in cardiology, uses a 3-D projector to help create different devices used in medicine.

Win Graham, videographer, assists in the production of the recent Virtual Town Hall meeting led by Dr. LouAnn Woodward, UMMC vice chancellor for health affairs.

Zeke Gonzalez-Fernandez, a UMMC student, was among volunteers who helped move exam beds into a clinic set up for COVID-19 patients in Parking Garage B.

Keith Hodges, intelligence program manager, compiles data to help the Medical Center cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Belinda Pendleton, a certified medical assistant, reviews how to properly clean personal protective equipment being used in the Medical Center's temporary field clinic.

A command center is home base for the Medical Center's deployment of employees who are part of the UMMC Reserves.

Dr. Charles Robertson explains how his invention, the Robertson ventilator, feeds oxygen into a simulation mannequin.

Jacqueline Cavett, a certified medical assistant, prepares face shields worn by UMMC providers working in a field clinic in Parking Garage B.