Members Exchange Credit Union donates to Children's Hospital
Published on Friday, January 25, 2013
By: Jen Hospodor
Employees of the Members Exchange Federal Credit Unions in Ridgeland, Clinton and Pearl present Dr. Rick Barr, Suzan B. Thames Professor and Chair of Pediatrics at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, third from right, with a $2,014.44 check to help Batson Children’s Hospital. The money was raised through candy sales at each of the branches throughout 2012.
Members Exchange Credit Unions fundraise under the Credit Unions for Kids brand, a Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals program that has partnered with CMN Hospitals, like Batson, since 1996 and in that time has generated over $100 million in contributions for children’s hospitals across the country.
Members Exchange employees attending the check presentation include, from left, David Broadaway, Debbie Dillon, LaDonna Jacobs, Tammy Knight and Mary Washington.
Members Exchange Credit Unions fundraise under the Credit Unions for Kids brand, a Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals program that has partnered with CMN Hospitals, like Batson, since 1996 and in that time has generated over $100 million in contributions for children’s hospitals across the country.
Members Exchange employees attending the check presentation include, from left, David Broadaway, Debbie Dillon, LaDonna Jacobs, Tammy Knight and Mary Washington.