Faculty/Staff Training

Main Content

Work with or Around Human (or Nn-Human Primate) Tissue, Cell Lines or Blood, or Other Potentially Infectious Material

RequiredRefresher Required: Yes (annually)Format: Online

Overview of Biosafety

Institutional Biosafety

Course description: Mandatory course for Principal Investigators and personnel who work in BSL-2 and BSL-3 research laboratories. The course covers proper safety techniques, requirements, waste disposal and how to handle and report a spill or exposure.

RequiredRefresher Required: Yes (annually)Format: Online

Standard Precautions: Bloodborne Pathogens and Other Potentially Infectious Materials

Institutional Biosafety

Course description: Mandatory course for Principal Investigators and personnel who handle blood or body fluids that require BSL-2 containment and above. The course covers the spread of bloodborne pathogens, safeguards against bloodborne pathogen exposure, and appropriate actions in the event of an exposure.

RequiredRefresher Required: Yes (Every two years)Format: Online

Transportation of Regulated Medical Waste

Institutional Biosafety

Course description: Mandatory course for personnel who are involved in the transportation of medical infectious waste. The course covers general awareness and familiarization of medical waste, function specific packaging of regulated medical waste, safety and security awareness.

RequiredRefresher Required: Yes (Every two years)Format: Online

Shipping Infectious Substances and Dry Ice

Institutional Biosafety

Course description: Mandatory course for personnel who are involved in the shipping of infectious substances and dry ice.  The course covers proper packaging, marking and labeling and documentation.