Office of Animal Welfare (IACUC)

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • I am an animal worker. What is the process for Center for Comparative Research access?
  • What do I need to do if I have a visiting scientist/researcher or student?
    Follow the IACUC policy statement for Documenting Training of Guest Scientist/Researcher or Student.
  • What about animal work at the VA?
    We have an MOU with the VA
  • Suspect noncompliance? 
    Report here
  • When will my protocol submission be reviewed?
    Protocols are reviewed at the IACUC monthly meeting on the third Tuesday of the month.
  • How many copies of my protocol do I need for initial review? 
    Email electronic version to
  • What if I require more animals than initially thought?
    For mice and rats, a one-time animal addition up to 10% of the originally requested amount may be approved by the chair assuming that the protocol objectives and techniques of the protocol remain the same (e.g., Minor Amendment). All other requests for additional animals must receive full committee review and a new justification must be provided.
  • What is "designated review?" 
    Only select types of Animal Activity Protocols may qualify for Designated Review. USDA Category "C" studies... those involving "animals upon which teaching, research, experiments, or tests were conducted involving no pain, distress, or use of pain-relieving drugs." Standard rodent breeding protocols . Euthanasia with tissue harvest [no live animal treatments conducted]
  • Where can I receive assistance with question #17, Justification of animal numbers? Department of Data Science
  • How do I get a biosafety cabinet or fume hood certified?
    • Biological Safety Cabinet Certification
      • Certification provided by ENV Services
      • Contact Kyrie Dabbs (1-800-690-3368) to arrange service. Must supply make, model and serial number of unit to obtain a quote.
      • Approximate price: $185/hood + $15 fuel surcharge per visit.
    • Fume Hood Testing
      • Testing provided by Environmental Health and Safety Department
      • Contact Chemical Safety Officer at 4-1981
  • How do I get a guillotine sharpened?
    Services are available for guillotine sharpening through an in-house service located in room N307. Call 815-4511 to arrange service.
  • How do I obtain a DEA registration?
    Apply for DEA Registration as a Researcher using DEA-225 Application available online. For additional information, view the presentation, The "nuts and bolts" on the DEA License Application Process and Appropriate Disposal of Expired Controlled Substances - presented by Investigator Angela Lee, DEA, Jackson, MS. Attention: All researchers wishing to obtain a DEA Registration must also obtain a Mississippi State Board of Pharmacy Controlled Substance License. 
  • If I currently have a DEA registration, do I still have to obtain a MS State Board of Pharmacy License?
  • How do I obtain a MS State Board of Pharmacy Controlled Substances License?  

    Instructions for applying for and obtaining a MS Controlled Substance License are available on the Intranet.

    For those submitting DEA renewal online, you must provide the name of a certifying individual from the university to sign off that the university is a state entity.

    Enter as the certifying official. The DEA will reach out to them at that address.
  • How do I properly dispose of controlled substances?
    Controlled substances must be disposed of through the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics (601-371-3600) or a Reverse Distributor (Reverse Distributors charge for the service).

    Send letter to:
    Marshall Fisher
    Director, Ms Bureau of Narcotics
    P.O. Box 720519
    Jackson, MS 39272

    Re: Drug disposal

    Dear Mr. Fisher:
    Please have one of your agents to pick up the following drugs for disposal.

    List of Drugs


    Put "Attention: Captain Elbert Craig" on the envelope

    For additional information, please view the presentation, The "nuts and bolts" on the DEA License Application Process and Appropriate Disposal of Expired Controlled Substances - presented by Investigator Angela Lee, DEA, Jackson, MS
  • What do I need to do if I am using chemicals in my research?
    Check with the Office of Enviromental Health and Safety for appropriate handling and disposal of chemicals. They have issued Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for handling of the following chemical hazards:
    Additional information regarding the use of chemical hazards can be located on the EH&S website.

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