Care Planning and Restorative Sciences
Oral Lesions II 606-2
Description: This course is presented as clinical pathological conferences in which various disease processes involving both the soft and hard tissues of the oral and paraoral environs are discussed. Emphasis is placed on students' ability to describe the lesion(s) presented, the accepted treatment modality, and to arrive at a reasonable differential diagnosis. Fall quarter. (36 clock hours.)
Local Anesthetics 614-1
Description: The perception of pain, the psychology of fear and anxiety and their impact on dentistry are presented. Alleviation and control of pain are presented in the context of alternative methods based on the individual patient. Basic methods taught are behavioral and pharmacological with emphasis on local anesthetics. Local anesthesia techniques are taught using lecture, video tapes, and demonstrations. Spring quarter. (18 clock hours.)
Pain, Fear and Anxiety 614-3
Description: Methods used in control of pain, fear and anxiety in dentistry are presented in lecture, clinical participation and demonstration. The course emphasizes the use of nitrous oxide and oxygen analgesia with clinical participation. Winter quarter. (22 clock hours.)
Dental Caries I 616-1
Description: This is a combined laboratory/lecture program that introduces the student to the subject of dental caries and operative dentistry. Preventive measures are taught and resolution of dental caries by traditional operative dentistry methods is introduced. The course includes the use of artificial and natural teeth to develop the essential psychomotor skills necessary for restoring individual teeth. The theory of operative dentistry, principles of a cavity preparation, instruments and restorative materials are covered in this course.
Dental Caries II 616-2
Description: This course is a continuation of Dental Caries I. It challenges the student with more complex restorative problems. This course introduces esthetic restorative procedures, pulpal and gingival responses to restorative materials, and glass ionomer cements.
Dental Caries III 616-3
Description: This combined laboratory/lecture program introduces the student to the resolution of dental caries by using cast gold restorative materials. The utilization of both partial and full cast restorations is covered. The student is also introduced to indirect tooth colored inlays and onlays with lecture and laboratory exercises.
Missing Teeth I - Complete Dentures 618-1
Description: Etiology of edentulism is presented along with anatomic physiologic and socio-economic implications which affect treatment of the complete denture patient. Students practice arranging artificial teeth and make a set of complete dentures in the laboratory. Discussion of clinical techniques and a patient demonstration of clinical steps is performed. This is to aid the student in understanding the overall process in construction of complete dentures.
Missing Teeth II - Fixed Prosthodontics 618-2
Description: Missing Teeth II is a preclinical didactic and laboratory course in which students will learn the skills needed to provide fixed prosthodontic care for patients. The course will concentrate on developing technical skills and learning evaluation criteria necessary to perform fixed prosthodontic procedures in such a way as to develop and maintain oral health.
Missing Teeth III - Removable Prosthodontics 618-3
Description: Problems of the partially edentulous patient are reviewed. Components of removable partial dentures are learned and a removable partial denture is fabricated in the laboratory. Theory of removable partial denture design and biomechanical consideration are discussed and designs are completed for the different types of partially, edentulous situations. Clinical sequence and steps are outlined and emphasized as well.
Missing Teeth VI - Fixed Prosthodontics 618-6
Description: This course is designed to familiarize the student with management of routine and advanced problems requiring crowns and fixed partial dentures. Specific attention will be given to the resolution of missing teeth problems, esthetic problems and occlusal problems utilizing full and partial veneer cast restorations and fixed partial denture prostheses.
Materials Science 619
Description: Fundamental principles which relate composition, structure and processing of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites to their properties and uses are presented. In addition, biocompatibility and safety related issues for use of dental materials are discussed. Selected topics in dental materials properties and processing are also introduced. The course builds on basic chemistry and physics courses to prepare the students for topics in dental materials which will be presented in other preclinical courses within the curriculum. Spring quarter. (38 clock hours.)
Dental Morphology 620-1
Description: This laboratory/lecture course introduces the student to dental terminology and presents a detailed study of the morphological characteristics of the permanent and primary teeth. This study also includes the intra-arch relationships of the teeth and their effects on the health of the dental supporting structures. A study of the eruption sequence of the primary and permanent teeth, as well as a study of pulp morphology for each permanent tooth is presented. Students reproduce in wax accurate morphological characteristics of the permanent teeth and establish normal intra-arch and interarch tooth relationships. Students must also identify teeth (dry specimens).
Fundamentals of Occlusion 620-2
Description: This laboratory/lecture course provides the student with an understanding of the interrelationship between the teeth, periodontal tissues, temporomandibular joints, ligaments, muscles and nervous system during the full range of Mandibular movement as well as during normal functional movement. Emphasis is placed on the acceptable contact relationships of the teeth during these movements as well as in maximum Intercuspation. Topics include the functional anatomy and biomechanics of the masticatory system, the alignment and occlusion of the dentition, mandibular movement, concepts of occlusion for the natural dentition, the criteria for optimum functional occlusion, the determinants of occlusal morphology, and the function and use of articulators. In the laboratory, students wax occlusal surfaces on mounted casts replacing tooth morphology and establishing proper centric tooth contacts and proper disclusion during eccentric movements.
Occlusal Disorders 621
Description: This course deals with the definition, etiology, differential diagnosis, pathophysiology and sequelae of occlusal and dysfunctional problems of the masticatory system. This course also deals with the most relevant treatment modalities related to occlusal and dysfunctional problems of the masticatory system. Special emphasis is given to therapeutic concepts and to treatment modalities that are interdisciplinary in nature, such as Interocclusal appliance therapy and occlusal adjustment therapy. Treatment methods that are discipline-related are included only to the extent necessary to place them in the context of occlusion. Students fabricate a chairside occlusal appliance in the clinic. During laboratory sessions, students equilibrate mounted diagnostic casts which exhibit eccentric interferences as well as a discrepancy between the retruded contact position and the intercuspal position.
Introduction to Problem Oriented Dentistry 622-1
Description: This course introduces the students to the important concept of “problem oriented dentistry” and its relevance and application to both patient care and dental education. The course is presented in formal lectures, group seminars (panel of dentists) and clinic sessions. Methods are presented for: (1) communicating with the patient; (2) obtaining a complete health history; (3) determining the vital signs; (4) performing extraoral and intraoral examinations; (5) screening for tobacco use, and; (6) screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. This course also discusses the medically compromised dental patient.
The intent of this course is to expose the students to the problem-oriented electronic dental record, the procedures and techniques to collect the patients’ database, and an overview of the activities in the different dental school clinics. Introduction to Problem Oriented Dentistry is an introduction to General Dentistry. (40 contact hours)
Methods II 622-2
Description: Rotation through the Oral Radiology Clinic for purposes of making, processing, mounting and interpreting oral radiographs. Winter quarter. (6 clock hours.)
Methods III 622-3
Description: This course is designed to review and reinforce patient data-base collection procedures for the patient admission process. This course also discusses numerous chronic medical conditions; their physiology and pathophysiology; their medical management; their unique treatment management problems that they present to the dentist; and indications for consultation with the patient's physician. The rationale for the use of analgesic agents and antimicrobial agents and the principles of prescription writing will be presented. Additionally, infection control, emerging infectious diseases, oral cancer and the management of oral mucosal lesions will be addressed. Spring quarter. (32 clock hours.)
Methods IV 622-4
Description: The course is designed to provide basic information to the senior dental student on various topics important for the new dentist in managing his/her professional career and personal life. Topics presented cover a wide area of subjects but time limitations will not permit in-depth coverage. The course will primarily be presented by lectures. There will be exercises that will cover topics discussed. Lecturers from outside the school will participate in the course and present information in their areas of expertise. Fall and winter quarters. (44 clock hours.)
Grand Rounds/CPS 623-1
Description: The student attends all grand round sessions. Attendance is required at all available clinical sessions where the student assists or observes an assigned D-3 student or other team member providing patient care and where the student becomes familiar with team patient care, the problem-oriented dental record, departmental clinical protocols and chairside assisting. Fall, winter, and spring quarters (73 clock hours).
Grand Rounds/CPS 623-2
Description: The student attends all grand round sessions. Attendance is required at all available clinical sessions where patient care is provided under the guidance of an assigned D-4 student or other team member. An in-depth knowledge of the patient admissions process is acquired. Four-handed dentistry techniques with the student as chairside dental assistants are emphasized. Fall, winter and spring quarters (93 clock hours.)
Grand Rounds/CPS 623-3
Description: The student attends all grand rounds sessions. Attendance is required at all clinical sessions where the student guides and assists an assigned D-1 student in becoming familiar with team patient care, the problem-oriented dental record, departmental clinical protocols, and chairside assisting. Four-handed dentistry techniques with the student as operator are emphasized. Summer, fall, winter and spring quarters. (120 clock hours).
Grand Rounds/CPS 623-4
Description: The student attends all grand rounds sessions and delivers an approved grand rounds presentation. Attendance is required at all clinical sessions where the student guides and assists an assigned an D-2 student in learning four-handed dentistry skills and in acquiring an in-depth knowledge of the patient admissions process. Summer, fall, winter and spring quarters. (103 clock hours).
Implant Dentistry 624
Description: This course will give the student knowledge of implant materials, designs, and tissue interfaces to understand the reasons for implant success and failure both before and after restoration. The student will become aware of the potential of this treatment modality and possess basic knowledge regarding indications, contraindications, patient selection, potential complications, and referral mechanisms. The student will also become aware of the maintenance procedures in implant dentistry.
Behavioral Disorders 629
Description: This course focuses on behavioral dentistry and as such deals with theoretical and applied information drawn from psychology, sociology, counseling and other fields of human behavior with emphasis on practical implications for dental practice. Topics include stress and stress management, motivation, compliance, preventive behavior, origin and treatment of dental fears, substance abuse, communication skills and patient management and special care of the disabled patient. Lecture and demonstration. Spring quarter. (14 clock hours).
Systemic Diseases 634-1
Description: Various organ systems and their disease processes as they relate to the evaluation and treatment of the dental patient are presented by experts in their specialty. Treatment and referral coordination between the dentist and the physician will become evident. The course includes but is not limited to the fields of epidemiology, oncology, endocrinology, audiology, plastic and reconstructive surgery, otolaryngology, surgery, psychiatry, chemical dependency and sexually transmitted diseases. The students will learn the various symptoms and clinical appearance of a disease process or injury and the appropriate therapy of that disorder. Lectures are augmented with audio-visual resources. Spring quarter. (30 clock hours.)
Clinical Practice 650
Description: Clinical practice within dental school encounters all techniques required for practice of general dentistry. Clinical experience is the student's responsibility with patients assigned for comprehensive care. Evaluations are made on daily performance in clinic and on practical examinations of clinic techniques. Efficient utilization of the dental assistant is given special emphasis. Summer, fall, winter and spring quarters. (894 clock hours.)
Radiology Clinic 650-2
Description: N/A
Aging 665
Description: The course is designed to provide basic information about the aging process and its impact on the general health status of individuals. Special emphasis is placed on effects of aging in health and disease on the oral health status. Lecture material is presented on the biological process associated with normal aging, psychological changes that occur with aging, social and cultural impact of aging, changes of general health status with advancing age and the impact of age on dental care. Lecturers will be comprised of experts from the UMMC campus. Fall quarter. (22 clock hours.)
Clinical Practice II 675
Description: Clinical practice in dental school clinics and approved community clinics, continuing in comprehensive care. Completion of cases for final evaluation and efficient utilization of the dental assistant are given special emphasis. Summer, fall, winter and spring quarters. (1,034 clock hours.)
Radiology Clinic 675-2
Description: N/A
Introduction to Scanning Electron Microscopy 698-17
Description: After participation in this course, a student should be able to understand the theories and mechanics of electron microscopy, prepare specimens for SEM observation, align the column and observe specimens with the SEM, and produce high quality SEM photomicrographs. The theory and practical aspects of performing compositional analysis and mapping using the energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer and wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometer will be covered. At completion of the course, the student should be able to use the integrated SEM/EDS/WDS system to qualitatively determine composition as well as understanding the use of calibration to produce quantitative results. Use of the system for digital image acquisition and elemental mapping will be covered. Fall quarter (40 clock hours.)
Preceptorship 698-26
Description: N/A
Comprehensive Examination 699
Description: This course evaluates certain diagnostic and clinical practice skills. This examination also prepares students to take the Mississippi State Dental Board Examination.
Elective courses
Esthetic Restoration with CAD/CAM 697-11
Description: To be knowledgeable in the indications and construction of esthetic restorations with the CEREC CAD/CAM. This course is a requirement to treat patients with esthetic restorations constructed with the CEREC in the student clinics.
Advanced Occlusal Disorders 698-18
Description: Students will learn a simplified technique for the fabrication of a muscle relaxation appliance. Each student will fabricate, deliver, and adjust a chairside occlusal appliance for a patient. This course consists of lecture, laboratory and clinical sessions.
Occlusal Equilibration 698-31
Description: Students will learn the indications for occlusal adjustment by selective grinding. A method for obtaining harmonious occlusal function through selective grinding will be presented. Students will do a functional occlusal analysis of a patient, determine whether an occlusal adjustment is indicated, and then mount diagnostic casts in a semiadjustable articulator. Following equilibration of these casts, occlusal equilibration of the patient may then be done.
Porcelain Laminate Veneers 698-45
Description: This course teaches the student the indications for, the fabrication of, and the clinical application of porcelain laminate veneers. It consists of lecture and laboratory sessions.