Specialty Pharmacy
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Patient Rights and Responsibilities for Specialty Pharmacy
Patient Rights
As a Specialty Pharmacy program patient, you have the right to:
- Speak to your specialty pharmacy team member(s) or health care provider(s)
- Know the name and role of your specialty pharmacy team member(s) and have the ability to speak to a supervisor if needed
- Receive information related to UMMC’s Specialty Pharmacy services, including the scope of services, the protection of your personal and health information, and the policies and procedures regarding the disclosure of clinical records
- Participate in the development, implementation and periodic revision of your plan of care, and to receive the necessary information to take part in your care
- Be provided with enough information in advance about the scope of services and limitations of those services to give your informed agreement for initiation of services, the continuation of services, modification of services, the transfer of services to another health care provider, or the termination/refusal of services after consequences are fully presented
- Request and receive complete and up-to-date information relative to your condition, treatment, alternative treatments, risk of treatment, or care plans
- Choose a healthcare provider and receive care without discrimination in accordance with physician’s orders
- Be fully informed, in advance, of Specialty Pharmacy program services being provided and your financial responsibility
- Have your person and property treated with respect, dignity, and consideration in a way that is free from mistreatment, neglect, or verbal, mental, sexual, and physical abuse, including injuries of unknown source, and misuse of your property
- Voice and have investigated grievances/complaints regarding treatment or care or lack of respect of property, or recommend changes in policy, personnel, or care/service without restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or retaliation
- Be fully informed of your responsibilities
- Decline participation, or disenroll, at any point in time
Patient Responsibilities
Your responsibilities as a Specialty Pharmacy program patient are to:
- Provide, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters relating to your health, as well as accurate contact and demographic information. You are also responsible for notifying the Specialty Pharmacy program of any changes in the above information.
- Communicate and participate in your plan of care. If you are unwilling to do so, or if program team members attempt numerous times to contact you unsuccessfully, you may be expected to seek care
elsewhere - Submit forms required for participation in the Specialty Pharmacy program or to receive treatment as a patient of the UMMC health system (to the extent required by law)
- Notify your provider of your participation in UMMC’s Specialty Pharmacy program
- Notify the organization of any concerns about the care or services provided
In addition to your rights and responsibilities as a Specialty Pharmacy program patient, you have further rights and responsibilities as a patient of the UMMC health system. To access a list of these supplemental rights and
responsibilities, please visit the UMMC Patient Rights and UMMC Patient Responsibilities pages.