Mississippi MED-COM
Broadband Technology Opportunity Program
Improving emergency medical care and coordination for Mississippi
In April 2010, the Executive Office of the Governor established a public/private partnership to submit a grant application under the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP).
A significant component of this grant application is to add broadband wireless coverage to 97% of the state of Mississippi through the expansion of the Mississippi State Wireless Information Network (MSWIN) which is a 700MHz radio system in current deployment throughout Mississippi.
Key partners in the 2010 State of Mississippi BTOP application
- Executive Office of the Governor
- Mississippi Wireless Communication Commission
- Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services
- Mississippi MED-COM
The 2010 BTOP grant application dedicates over seventy million dollars for the expansion of the wireless broadband network to public safety agencies, emergency medical services and hospitals throughout Mississippi. This system will provide a robust and integrated, and secure medical communications platform. This platform will allow over three hundred ambulances the ability to transmit secure images, streaming video and patient telemetry to secure portals. The grant will provide upgrades to Mississippi MED-COM and applications utilized by emergency responders and emergency personnel in obtaining up-to-date information on bed availability, hospital services, and disaster communications. Mississippi MED-COM is tasked by the grant to coordinate the deployment of this system and provide management of the health care applications associated with this grant.
The grant was awarded Aug. 1, 2010.