About CIDA
Co-Directors' Welcome

Established in 2020, the Center for Innovation and Discovery in Addictions (CIDA, pronounced “see-dah”) is an ambitious and forward-thinking initiative designed to address essentially all aspects of addiction science and medicine. Our goal is to bring together basic and preclinical scientists, clinical scientists, health care providers, and experienced educators from across Mississippi to establish a true translational research organization in the addiction science space.
We are leveraging a long history of federal funding, our addictions clinic, and our exceptionally experienced educators to stand up a Center capitalizing on existing strengths with the capacity for significant future growth. For researchers, this means an enriched scientific environment focused on mechanisms and treatments of addictions. Health care providers can engage in the highest level of evidence-based practices in addiction treatment within a supportive academic setting. For educators, we offer innovative teaching methods on addiction research and science. The community benefits from science-based approaches to care that improve the lives of the populations affected by these (and related) serious medical disorders.
On behalf of the CIDA members at UMMC, we welcome you to this new initiative and encourage any interested individuals to contact us. We are excited to stand up this Center, with the hope of improving the lives of Mississippians and people everywhere.
Jefferson D. Parker, PhD
James K. Rowlett, PhD
Saurabh Bhardwaj, MD
Medical Director