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The Molecular Center of Health and Disease (MCHD) Research Seminar Series will assist junior investigators to develop new knowledge and communication and critical thinking skills to expand opportunities for collaborations.
The MCHD research seminars will be integrative by focusing on three objectives: (a) improving basic knowledge of systems biology; (b) sharing current research progress through “work in progress” seminars; and (c) sharing new innovative methods.
The seminar program includes:
- Educational seminars to provide researchers an opportunity to learn about MCHD core capabilities and scientific and research resources available through other COBRE and IDeA funded programs.
- Work in Progress seminars to provide junior researchers an opportunity to update other MCHD investigators on current research projects, promote collaboration and obtain constructive feedback on grant ideas.
- Innovative Methods seminars to enhance and advance research of MCHD investigators by inviting top leaders in the biomedical research field to speak on emerging omics technologies. Invited speakers will provide workshop level seminars with practical technical applications.