| Tina Martin, PhD, RN, FNP-BC Dean and Professor Associate Chief Nursing Officer for Academic Affairs, UMMC | Email: tmartin@umc.edu Phone: (601) 984-6220 Fax: (601) 815-5958 |
| Sharon McElwain, DNP, RN, FNP-BC Associate Professor of Nursing Associate Dean for Academic Affairs | Email: smcelwain@umc.edu Phone: (601) 815-4123 Fax: (601) 815-9309 |
| Michelle Palokas, DNP, RN-CPN Professor of Nursing Associate Dean for Administration Deputy Director of Mississippi Centre of Evidence-Based Practice: A JBI Centre of Excellence and US Cochrane Affiliate | Email: mpalokas@umc.edu Phone: (601) 984-6207 Fax: (601) 815-9309 |
| Anne Norwood, PhD, RN, FNP-BC Professor of Nursing Associate Dean for Practice and Partnerships | Email: anorwood@umc.edu Phone: (601) 984-6236 Fax: (601) 984-6206 |
| Lei Zhang, PhD, MBA Professor of Nursing Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship | Email:lzhang2@umc.edu Phone: (601) 815-9780 Fax: (601) 984-6206 |
| Kristina Cherry, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, NEA-BC Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, School of Nursing Chief Nursing Executive, UMMC | |
| Chelsey Andries, DNP, RN, CNE Associate Professor of Nursing Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs | Email:candries@umc.edu Phone: (601) 984-1859 Fax: (601) 984-6206 |
| Audwin Fletcher, PhD, APRN, FNP-BC, ELAN-F, FAAN Professor of Nursing Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs Director of Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner track | Email: afletcher@umc.edu Phone: (601) 984-4588 Fax: (601) 984-6206 |
| M. Jeanne Calcote, PhD, RN Assistant Professor of Nursing Assistant Dean for Accreditation and Evaluation | Email: mcalcote@umc.edu Phone: (601) 984-4192 Fax: (601) 984-6206 |
| TBA Associate Professor of Nursing Assistant Dean for Oxford Instructional Site South Oxford Center | Email: Phone: (662) 915-2057 Fax: (662) 915-2056 |
| Lisa Vaughan Director of Budget and Finance Business Operations | Email: lvaughan@umc.edu Phone: (601) 984-6271 Fax: (601) 815-4119 |
| Randi Jarnagin Executive Assistant Office of the Dean | Email: sjarnagin@umc.edu Phone: (601) 984-6220 Fax: (601) 815-5958