Meet our Featured Patients
Kim Cooley
When Duck Hill-based content creator Kim Cooley discovered she needed a liver transplant, she turned to UMMC. Now, Kim's back to living her best life with a new liver and new friends in Dr. Felicitas Koller and the University Transplant Team.

Joel Waters
Joel Waters, who lives in Madison, has been coming to UMMC for heart care for years. A husband, father and grandfather, Joel relies on Dr. Mike McMullan to keep his heart healthy and strong.

Walter Makamson
When Greenwood farmer Walter Makamson's kidney failure put him in dire need of a transplant, his sister stepped in as a living donor and UMMC performed the operation, saving Walter’s life.

Tracy Frazier
A retired Jackson public school teacher, Tracy came to the UMMC Cancer Center and Research Institute with a cancer diagnosis. She rang the bell to celebrate completing her treatment in February 2024.

Rhett Jordan
Since coming to Children's of Mississippi as a baby, Rhett has thrived under the care of Dr. Brad Ingram. His parents, Mary and Josh, say there's nowhere they'd rather take Rhett for care.

Rob McDaniel
UMMC offers a wide range of orthopaedic, physical therapy, occupational therapy and sports medicine services. We even provide medical care to Jackson State University football players like Rob.

Emmy Ott
Emmy has been coming to Children's of Mississippi for care since she was a baby and is part of the Children's family. She's now studying acting at the Mississippi School of the Arts in Brookhaven.

Susan Cardin
Susan knew something was wrong when she felt tired all the time, but it wasn't until she saw Dr. Trey Clark that she found a cardiologist who listened to her closely and correctly diagnosed and treated the problem.

Asia Sherron
Asia has been receiving care at Children's of Mississippi since birth to treat sickle cell anemia. She now receives her infusions in the bright, colorful Children’s Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders.