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Repurposing a Drug Targeting Inflammatory Bowel Disease for Lowering Hypertension

Xue Mei, Blair Mell, Ishan Manandhar, Sachin Aryal, Ramakumar Tummala, Jun Kyoung, Tao Yang, and Bina Joe

Program in Physiological Genomics, Center for Hypertension and Personalized Medicine,
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, College of Medicine and Life Sciences, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio.

Corresponding Author
Bina Joe, Ph.D., FAHA, FCVS (APS), ISHF
Distinguished University Professor and Chair
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
Center for Hypertension and Personalized Medicine
and Program in Physiological Genomics
University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences
Block Health Science Bldg. Rm 237, 3000 Arlington Ave., Toledo, OH 43614
Phone: (419) 383-4144 Fax: (419) 383-2871 Email: bina.joe@utoledo.edu