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Sleep Studies

Sleep Studies are currently offered at UMMC Sleep Medicine for all ages, newborn to geriatric. In-lab and at-home sleep testing options are available. To make an appointment, call UMMC Sleep Medicine (601) 984-4820.

Services include:

  • In-lab sleep testing with type I PSG equipment
  • Home sleep testing with type II or type III PSG equipment
  • Daytime testing options of multiple sleep latency tests and maintenance of wakefulness testing.
  • Actigraphy testing for circadian rhythm sleep disorders

What to Expect for In-lab Studies

Exterior of the Northeast Jackson Select Specialty Hospital building.

Northeast Jackson Select Specialty Hospital

The UMMC Sleep Medicine Clinic is located on the first floor of the Northeast Jackson Select Specialty Hospital.

Doorway to UMMC Sleep Medicine Clinic with UMMC Sleep Medicine signage "Sleep Disorders Neurology" posted above entrance..

Entrance to UMMC Sleep Medicine Clinic

The patient entrance for the UMMC Sleep Medicine Clinic can be found in the first floor hallway by taking a left after passing the elevators.

Hallway where patients check-in. Sign with an arrow points left to the correct door.

Check-in Hallway

The check-in hallway and entrance for the Sleep Study Waiting Room.

Sleep study waiting room area includes several chairs and a check-in window.

Sleep Study Waiting Room

Patients check in at the UMMC Sleep Study Waiting Room.

Hallway to in-patient sleep study rooms.

Sleep Medicine Hallway

Clinical Hallway where patients meet with providers and complete sleep studies.

Providers walk through in-patient sleep study hallway.

Sleep Medicine Hallway with Clinicians

Clinical Hallway where patients meet with providers and complete sleep studies.

Nurses station where technicians monitor in-progress sleep studies.

Sleep Study Nurses Station

Sleep Study technicians read studies and provide clinical support from the nurses station.

Hospital room with a bed and minimal equipment. This is where in-patient sleep studies take place.

Sleep Study Room

Patients complete sleep studies in private sleep study room located in the Sleep Medicine clinic.

Masks used during sleep study.

Sleep Study Masks

A close-up image of the sleep medicine equipment offered at this clinic.

Office space where patients meet with sleep medicine providers.

Sleep Medicine Office Visit Space

Clinical area for Clinicians to treat patients.

Providers working in clinical office visit space.

Sleep Medicine Clinicians in Office Visit Space

Clinicians examining Sleep Medicine Equipment.

At-home test kits provided to patients who are conducting sleep studies offsite.

At-home Test Kits

A close-up image of the at-home test kits.

Exterior of the Northeast Jackson Select Specialty Hospital building.
Doorway to UMMC Sleep Medicine Clinic with UMMC Sleep Medicine signage "Sleep Disorders Neurology" posted above entrance..
Hallway where patients check-in. Sign with an arrow points left to the correct door.
Sleep study waiting room area includes several chairs and a check-in window.
Hallway to in-patient sleep study rooms.
Providers walk through in-patient sleep study hallway.
Nurses station where technicians monitor in-progress sleep studies.
Hospital room with a bed and minimal equipment. This is where in-patient sleep studies take place.
Masks used during sleep study.
Office space where patients meet with sleep medicine providers.
Providers working in clinical office visit space.
At-home test kits provided to patients who are conducting sleep studies offsite.