- Health Care
- Patient Handouts
- Adult
- Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Skin Care
Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Skin Care
Postoperative Care of Facelifts
Please follow these instructions carefully. Your final result will depend upon how well you care for the treated areas.
Weeks 1 and 2 (Beginning the day after surgery):
DO: Clean suture lines (stitches) located around the front and back of the ear with hydrogen peroxide and a Q-tip three times a day.
DO: Apply a small amount of Polysporin™ or Bacitracin™ ointment to the suture lines following cleaning. Do not apply to staples in the hairline.
DO: Clean around the surgical staples located in the hair-bearing incisions with water and a Q-tip six times a day.
DO: Shower at least daily starting on the first postoperative day. Clean the scalp with Johnson’s baby shampoo only. Continue to shower at least daily for one week, then return to your usual routine.
DO: Elevate head of bed 30 to 40 degrees for two weeks to help minimize the swelling. You may use pillows or neck rests to make this more comfortable, but the more you keep your head elevated, the less you will swell and the quicker the swelling will go down.
DO: Apply facial cold compresses several times a day for the first two days to reduce swelling and discomfort. The best way to do this is to place several bath cloths in a basin of ice water, wring them out and drape them over the face and eyes, changing them approximately every 30 minutes. You may do this longer, but it doesn’t help much after the first few days.
DO: Wash face with lukewarm water and a mild facial cleanser or soap only.
DO: Wear eyeglasses if necessary.
DO: Wear contacts, if necessary, unless eyelid surgery was also performed, then wait 10 days.
DO: Wear a wig, if desired, as long as it doesn’t irritate the staples or sutures.
DO: Get up and walk around the house as often and as much as you feel able. This is important to get your blood moving and will reduce swelling as well. After the first day, you may walk outside the house as you feel able, but no jogging or running.
DO NOT: Apply Polysporin™ or Bacitracin™ to the stapled incision line (staples).
DO NOT: Pull ear forward while cleaning behind it.
DO NOT: Use any hair sprays or conditioners for the first two weeks. No hair permanents for four weeks.
DO NOT: Apply make-up to the face for the first week. After the first week, you may apply your regular makeup to all areas that are healed. Do not apply make-up to any unhealed skin areas.
DO NOT: Use a curling iron for four weeks. This is so you do not burn yourself where the scalp is numb.
DO NOT: Drive for 10 days.
MEN: DO NOT shave for the first week.
Week 3:
DO: Use hair coloring if desired.
DO: Restart skincare product use at this time, if applicable.
DO: Use SPF 30 or higher sunscreen over healed incisions if sun exposure is expected.
DO: Restart your exercise regimen with the exception of jogging, running, golf or tennis. You should wait at least six weeks before you resume these activities.
Week 5:
DO: Resume regular physical activity.
DO: Resume using a curling iron, if applicable. Be careful not to burn areas of the scalp that may still be numb.
Week 7:
DO: Resume all of your routine physical activity.
When to Call the Doctor:
- Temperature elevation above 101.5
- Sudden increase in swelling or pain
- Hemorrhage (profuse bleeding)
- Discharge from the wound edges or other evidence of infection
- Development of any medication reaction
For Questions or Emergency Care:
Call the office at 601-984-5160. You may need to speak with the doctor on-call.