Head and Neck

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Postoperative Care after Neck Dissection

Wound Care:
  1. Empty and record drain output twice daily. It is okay to remove the drain once output is less than 30 cc in 24 hours. Call 601-984-5160 with questions.
  2. Showering is preferable to bathing. If bathing, do not submerge your neck incision under water.
  3. No cigarette smoking or use of other tobacco products.
  4. Avoid trauma to the incision.
  5. No heavy lifting or activity.
  6. Keep the head of your bed elevated at night or try sleeping on two or more pillows.
  7. Pre-operative at home medications may be resumed unless otherwise specified.

When to Call the Doctor

  1. Temperature elevation above 101.5 degrees.
  2. Sudden increase in swelling, pain, warmth, and/or redness at neck incision site.
  3. Hemorrhage (profuse bleeding).
  4. Discharge from the wound edges or other evidence of infection.
  5. Development of any medication reaction.

For Questions or Emergency Care:
Call the office at 601-984-5160. You may need to speak with the doctor on-call.

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