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The UMMC Department of Medicine's Division of Infectious Diseases offers a two-year accredited fellowship program.
Infectious Diseases Program Overview

Outstanding features
- Dedicated to teaching excellence, ID faculty accessibility is unsurpassed. Fellows and residents know they can call ID faculty day or night for advice.
- Excellent balance between trainee education and patient service as well as fellow autonomy and faculty supervision.
- Superb patient population with diverse medical problems covering a broad spectrum of infectious diseases.
- Clinically sagacious faculty with eclectic talents and diverse research interests covering a broad spectrum of clinical and basic sciences. Each faculty member participates in research, patient care and teaching at multiple levels. The division has excellent rapport with other clinical and basic science departments.
- Strong ties with the Mississippi State Department of Health & Centers for Disease Control enhances education in epidemiology, infection control, travel medicine, communicable diseases, disease prevention and control, bioterrorism, etc.
- Strong ties with academic infectious diseases specialists at national and international levels broaden educational horizons. The division boasts regular visits from nationally recognized experts who enhance the program by sharing their expertise in both infectious diseases and medical education.
- Excellent opportunity for developing research skills and contributing to medical science advancement. Fellows are mentored through self-developed hypothesis-driven research projects. Fellows present at national or regional infectious diseases conferences and publish their research findings in appropriate peer reviewed journals.
- Interactive conferences remarkable for educational content and celebrated for interdisciplinary participation.