Melanie Wilson, PhD

Melanie Wilson, PhD


SOM-Cell and Molecular Biology


Work Phone:
(601) 984-1719


Basel Institute of Immunology, Scientist, Immunology1992
Medical University of South Carolina, PhD, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology1987
Medical University of South Carolina, MS, Biochemistry1984
College of Charleston, BS, Biology1979
Medical University of South Carolina, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Current Positions

Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology2004 - Present
Technical Director of UMMC Cancer Institute Flow Cytometry Core09/2010 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Associate Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology1998 - 2004
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology1993 - 1998
Instructor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology1992 - 1993
Scientific Member, Basel Institute for Immunology, Basel, Switzerland, School of1989 - 1992
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Medical University of South Carolina, South Carolina, School of , Department of Biochemistry1987 - 1989

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, Leukocyte Immune Type Receptors: structure and function, NSF07/2017 - 06/2022
Extramural, Identification and functional characterization of IgM binding receptors in channel catfish, USDA09/2016 - 08/2018
Intramural, Monoclonal antibodies to LITRs define catfish cytotoxic cell, UMMC01/2015 - 12/2015
Extramural, US Veterinary Immune Reagent Network, USDA (2006-6512120649)04/2010 - 01/2014
Extramural, The Identification and characterization of virus specific cytotoxic cells in channel catfish., USDA (2009-01818)09/2009 - 08/2014
Intramural, Functional characterization of three distinct IgD bearing cell populations in channel catfish, UMMC IRSP05/2008 - 04/2009
Extramural, US Veterinary Immune Reagent network, USDA-subcontract with E Bengten01/2006 - 01/2010
Extramural, Immunologic Studies in Ectothermic Vertebrates, NIH (R01-AI-19530)01/2002 - 12/2007
Extramural, Functional characterization of two distinct TCR beta genes of channel catfish., NSF (MCB-0211785)01/2002 - 12/2005
Extramural, Sequence characterization of the channel catfish immunoglobulin heavy chain locus: determining the functional repertoire., USDA (2003-35305-12829)01/2002 - 12/2005
Extramural, Immunologic studies in Ectothermic Vertebrates, NIH01/1996 - 01/2002


Journal Article

Blackmon LE, Quiniou SMA, Wilson M, Bengten E Catfish lymphocytes expressing CC41-reactive Leukocyte Immune-Type Receptors (LITRs) proliferate in response to Edwardsiella Ictaluri infection in vitro Developmental and Comparative Immunology2020
Taylor EB, Chinchar VG, Quiniou SM, Wilson M, Bengten E Cloning and Characterization of antiviral cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in channel catfish, Icatlurus punctatus Virology.2020;540:184-1942019
Rego K, Bengten E, Wilson M, Hansen JD, Bromage ES Characterization of immunoglobulin light chain utilization and variable family diversity in rainbow trout Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 2020;104:103566-1035772019
Spencer DA, Quiniou SMA, Crider J, Musungu B, Bengten E Insights into the dynamics of memory, effector and apoptotic cytotoxic T lymphocytes in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 2016; 92:116-128.2018
Taylor EB, Moulana M, Stuge TB, Quiniou SMA, Bengten E, Wilson M A leukocyte immune-type receptor (LITR) subset is a marker of antiviral cytotoxic cells in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus2016
Taylor EB, Wilson M, Bengten E. The Src tyrosine kinase Lck binds to CD2, CD4-1, and CD4-2 T cell co-receptors in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. Molecular Immunology.2015;66:126-1382015
Taylor EB,Quiniou S, Nayak D, Bengten E, Wilson M Identification and expression of Sh2-containing inositol phosphatases ShP-1 and SHP-2 in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. Developmental and Comparative Immunology.2015;51:79-87.2015
Moulana M, Edholm E, Taylor EB, Quiniou S, Wilson M, Bengten E. Identification of TCR gamma and TCR delta isotypes in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. Immunogenetics. 2014 66:545-5612014
Wallace K, Richards S, Dhillion P, Weimer A, Edholm ES, Bengten E, Wilson M, Martin JN Jr, LaMarca B CD4+ T-helper cells stimulated in response to placental ischemia mediate hypertension during pregnancy Hypertension, 2011; 5:949--552011
Quiniou S.M.A., Sahoo M, Edholm ES, Bengten E, Wilson M. Channel catfish CD8 alpha and CD8 beta co-receptors: characterization, expression and polymorphism Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2011; 3:894-9012011
Wang, S., E. Peatman, J. Abernathy, G. Waldbieser, E. Lindquist, P. Richardson, S. Lucas, M. Wang, P. Li, J. Thimmapuram, L. Liu, D. Vullaganti, H. Kucuktas, C. Murdock, B.C. Small, M. Wilson, H. Liu, Y. Jiang, Y. Lee, F. Chen, J. Lu, W. Wang, P. Xu, B. Somridhivej, P. Baoprasertkul, J. Quilang, Z. Sha, B. Bao, Y. Wang, Q. Wang, T. Takano, S. Nandi, S. Liu, L. Wong, L. Kaltenboeck, S. Quiniou, E. Bengten, N. Miller, J. Trant, D. Rokhsar, and Z. Liu Assembly of 500,000 Inter-specific Catfish Expressed Sequence Tags and Large Scale Gene-associated Marker Development for Whole Genome Association Studies Genome Biology, 2010; 11: R82010
Edholm, E.-S., E.D. Hudgens, D. Tompkins, M. Sahoo, B. Burkhalter, N.W. Miller, E. Bengtèn, and M. Wilson Characterization of anti-channel catfish IgL σ monoclonal antibodies Vet. Immunol. and Path, 2010; 135:325-328.2010
Kountikov, E., M. Wilson, N.W. Miller, and E. Bengtèn Expression of alternatively spliced CD45 isoforms by channel catfish clonal T and B cells is dependent on the activation state of the cell and regulated by protein synthesis and degradation Dev. Comp. Immunol, 2010; 34:1109-118.2010
Edholm, E.-S, E. Bengtèn, J.L. Stafford, M. Sahoo, E.B. Taylor, N.W. Miller, and M. Wilson Identification of two IgD+ B cell populations in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus J. Immunol, 2010; 185:4082-40942010
Edholm ES, Wilson M, Sahoo M, Pilstrom L, wermenstam NK, Miller NW, Bengten E. Identification of IgL sigma and IgL lambda isotypes in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, and an IgL λ isotype in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. Immunogenetics, 2009; 61:353-3702009
Richard ML, Hikima J, Wilson MR, Miller NW, Warr GW. BOB.1 of the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus: not a transcriptional coactivator? Molecular Immunology. 2009; 46:481-4912009
Nayak, D., A. Tang, M. Wilson, N.W. Miller, and E. Bengtèn Channel catfish IpFcRI binds conserved linear epitopes found on Cμ3 and Cμ4 domains Mol. Immunol. 2009; 47: 1306-13162009
Chen, K., W.Xu, M.Wilson, B. He, N.W. Miller, E. Bengten, E.-S. Edholm, P.A. Santini, P. Rath, A. Vhiu, M. Cattalini, F. Facchetti, J. Litzman, J. Bussel, B. Huang, K. Riesbeck, C. Cunningham-Riddles, A. Plebani, and A. Cerutti. Immunoglobulin D enhances immune surveillance by activating antimicrobial and immunostimulating programs in basophils. Nature Immunol. 2009. 10: 889-898.2009
Sahoo M, Edholm ES, Stafford JL, Bengtén E, Miller NW, and Wilson M B cell receptor accessory molecules in the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2008; 32:1385-13972008
Moulana M, Evenhuis J, Kountikov EI, Wilson M, Bengten E, Miller NW, McConnell T Characterization of anti-channel catfish MHC class II monoclonal antibodies Veterinary Immunology & Pathology, 2008; 126:120-1302008
Hikima J, Lennard-Richard ML, Wilson MR, Miller NW, Warr GW Function of E-protein dimers expressed in catfish lymphocytes Molecular Immunology, 2008; 45:1165-11702008
Hikima J, Lennard ML, Wilson MR, Miller NW, Warr GW Interaction between E-protein and Oct transcription factors in the function of the catfish IGH enhancer Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2008; 32:1105-11102008
Takano T, Sha Z, Peatman E, Terhune J, Kucuktas H, Li P, Edholm E-S, Wilson M, Liu Z The two channel catfish intelectin genes exhibit highly differential patterns of tissue expression and regulation after infection with Edwardsiella ictaluri Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2008; 32:693-7052008
Stafford JL, Bengten E, Du Pasquier L, Miller NW, Wilson MW Channel Catfish Leukocyte Immune-Type Receptors contain a putative MHC class I binding site. Immunogenetics, 2007; 58: 77-912007
Edholm ES, Stafford JL, Quiniou SM, Waldbieser G, Miller NW, Bengtén E and Wilson M Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, CD4-like molecules Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2007; 31:172-1872007
Evenhuis J, Bengtén E, Snell C, Quiniou SM, Miller NW, and Wilson M Characterization of additional novel immune type receptors in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus Immunogenetics, 2007; 59:661-6712007
Lennard ML, Hikima J, Ross DA, Kruiswijk C, Wilson MR, Miller NW, Clem LW, Warr GW Characterization of an Oct-1 orthologue in the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus: a negative regulator of transcription? BMC Genomics, 2007; 8:82007
Lennard-Richard ML, Bengten E, Wlson MR, Miller NW, Warr GW, Hikima J Comparative genomics of transcription factors driving expression of the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus in teleost fish Journal of Fish Biology, 2007; 71:153-1732007
Hikima J, Lennard ML, Wilson MR, Miller NW, Clem LW, Warr GW Conservation and divergence of the Emu3' enhancer in the IGH locus of teleost fish Immunogenetics, 2006; 58:226-2342006
Wernersson S, Reimer JM, Poorafshar M, Karlson U, Wermenstam N, Bengtén E, Wilson M, Pilström L, Hellman L Granzyme-like sequences in bony fish shed light on the emergence of hematopoietic serine proteases during vertebrate evolution Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2006; 30:901-9182006
Stafford JL, Wilson M, Nayak D, Quiniou SM, Clem LW, Miller NW, Bengtén E Identification and characterization of a FcR homolog in an ectothermic vertebrate, the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Journal of Immunology, 2006; 177:2505-25172006
Long S, Milev-Milovanovic I, Wilson M, Bengtén E, Clem LW, Miller NW, Chinchar VG Identification and expression analysis of cDNAs encoding channel catfish type I interferons Fish Shellfish Immunology, 2006; 21:42-592006
Lennard ML, Wilson MR, Miller NW, Clem LW, Warr GW, Hikima J Oct2 transcription factors in fish-a comparative genomic analysis Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2006; 20:144-1512006
Hikima J, Lennard ML, Wilson M, Miller NW, Warr GW Regulation of immunoglobulin heavy chain locus expression at the phylogenetic level of a bony fish: transcription factor interaction with two variant octamer motifs Gene, 2006; 377:119-1292006
Bengtén E, Quiniou S, Hikima J, Waldbieser G, Warr GW, Miller NW and Wilson M Structure of the catfish IGH locus: analysis of the region including the single functional IGHM gene Immunogenetics, 2006; 58: 831-8442006
Stafford JL, Bengten E, Du Pasquier L, McIntosh RD, Quiniou SM, Clem LW, Miller NW, Wilson M A Novel Family of diversified and immunoregulatory receptors in teleosts is homologous to Mammalian Fc Receptors and molecules encoded within the Leukocyte Receptor Complex Immunogenetics, 2005; 58:758-7732005
Hikima J, Lennard ML, Wilson MR, Miller NW, Clem LW, Warr GW Evolution of vertebrate E-protein transcription factors: comparative analysis of the E2a-protein gene family in Fugu rubripes and humans Physiological genomics, 2005; 57:273-2822005
Kountikov E, Wilson M, Quiniou S, Miller N, Clem W and Bengtén E Genomic organization of the channel catfish CD45 functional gene and CD45 pseudogenes Immunogenetics. 2005; 57:374-3832005
Quiniou SM, Wilson M, Bengtén E, Waldbieser GC, Clem LW, Miller NW MHC RFLP analyses in channel catfish full-sibling families: identification of the role of MHC molecules in spontaneous allogeneic cytotoxic responses Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2005; 29:457-4672005
Hikima J, Lennard ML, Wilson MR, Miller NW, Clem LW, Warr GW Regulation of immunoglobulin gene transcription in a teleost fish: identification, expression and functional properties of E2A in the channel catfish Immunogenetics, 2005; 57:273-2822005
Hikima J, Cioffi CC, Middleton DL, Wilson MR, Miller NW, Clem LW, Warr GW E-protein transcription factors of the channel catfish: characterization, expression and function of TF12/HEB homologs Journal of immunology, 2004; 173:5476-54842004
Long S, Wilson M, Bengtén E, Clem LW, Miller NW, Chinchar VG Identification and characterization of a FasL-like protein and cDNAs encoding the channel catfish death-inducing signaling complex Immunogenetics, 2004; 56:518-5302004
Shen L, Stuge TB, Bengtén E, Wilson M, Chinchar VG, Naftel JP, Bernanke JM, Clem LW, Miller NW Identification and characterization of clonal NK-like cells from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2004; 28:139-1522004
Long S, Wilson M, Bengtén E, Bryan L, Clem LW, Miller NW, Chinchar VG Identification of a cDNA encoding channel catfish interferon Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2004; 28:97-1112004
Kountikov E, Wilson M, Miller NW, Clem LW and Bengtén E Organization and expression of thirteen alternatively spliced exons in catfish CD45 homologs Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2004; 28:1023-10352004
Shen L, Stuge TB, evenhuis JP, Bengten E, Wilson M, Chinchar VG, Clem LW, Miller NW Channel catfish NK-like cells are armed with IgM via a putative FcmuR developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2003; 27:699-7142003
Quiniou SMA, Katagiri T, Miller NW, Wilson M. Wolters WR, Waldbieser GC Construction and characterization of a BAC library from a gynogenetic channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus Genetics Selection Evolution, 2003; 35:1-112003
Zhou H, Bengten E, Miller NW, Clem LW, Wilson M The T cell receptor beta locus of the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, reveals unique features Journal of Immunology, 2003; 170:2573-25812003
Park, H., H. Zhou, E. Bengtén, M. Wilson, V.G. Chinchar, L.W. Clem and N.W. Miller Activation of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) T cells involves NFAT-like transcription factors Developmental Comparative Immunology 2002; 26: 775-7842002
Barker, K., M. Khayat, N. Miller, M. Wilson, L.W. Clem and E. Bengtén Immortal and mortal clonal lymphocyte lines from channel catfish: comparison of telomere length, telomerase activity, tumor suppressor and heat shock protein expression Dev. Comp. Immunol, 2002; 26: 45-512002
Cioffi, C., D.A. Ross, D. L. Middleton, M.R. Wilson, N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem and G.W. Warr Oct2 transcription factor of a teleost fish: activation domains and function from an enhancer Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2002; 404: 55-612002
Bengtén E., S. M.-A. Quiniou, N. Miller, L.W. Clem, G.W. Warr and M. Wilson The IgH locus of the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, contains multiple constant region gene sequences: different genes encode heavy chains of membrane and secreted IgD J. Immunol, 2002; 169: 2488-24972002
Cioffi, C., D.L. Middleton, M.R. Wilson, N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem and G.W. Warr An IgH enhancer that drives transcription through bHLH and Oct transcription factor-binding motifs: functional analysis of the Eμ3’ enhancer of the catfish Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2001; 276: 27825-278302001
Antao A.B., M. Wilson, J. Wang, E. Bengtén, N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem and V.G. Chinchar Genomic organization and differential expression of channel catfish MHC class I genes Developmental Comparative Immunology 2001; 25: 579-5952001
Zhou, H., T.B. Stuge, N.W. Miller, E. Bengtén, J.P. Naftel, J.M. Bernanke, V.G. Chinchar, L.W. Clem and M. Wilson Heterogeneity of channel catfish cytotoxic lymphocytes with respect to target recognition and cytotoxic mechanisms employed J. Immunol, 2001; 167: 1325-13322001
Stuge, T.B., M.R. Wilson, H. Zhou, K.S. Barker, E. Bengtén, G. Chinchar, N.W. Miller and L.W. Clem Development and analysis of various clonal alloantigen-dependent cytotoxic cell lines from channel catfish J. Immunol, 2000; 164: 2971-29772000
Godwin, U.B., M. Flores, S. Quiniou, M.R. Wilson, N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem and T.J. McConnell MHC class IIA genes in the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Developmental Comparative Immunology 2000; 24: 609-6222000
Barker, K.S., S.M.A. Quiniou, M.R. Wilson, E. Bengtén, T.B. Stuge, G.W. Warr, L.W. Clem and N.W. Miller Telomerase expression and teleomere length in immortal leukocyte lines from channel catfish Developmental Comparative Immunology, 2000; 24: 583-5952000
Khayat M., T.B. Stuge, M. Wilson, E. Bengten, N.W. Miller and L.W. Clem Thioredoxin acts as a B cell growth factor in the Channel Catfish Journal of Immunology, 2000; 166:2937-29432000
Ross, D.A., M. Lyles, B.E. Ledford, B.G. Magor, M.R. Wilson, N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem, D.A. Middleton, and G.W. Warr Catfish Oct2 binding affinity and functional preference for octamer motifs, and interaction with OBF-1 Developmental Comparative Immunology, 1999; 23:199-2111999
Antao, A.B., V.G. Chinchar, T.J. McConnell, N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem and M.R. Wilson Identification of Major Histocompatibility class I genes in the channel catfish: sequence analyses and expression Immunogenetics, 1999; 49: 303-3111999
Hogan, R.J., G.C. Waldbieser, C.A. Goudie, A. Antao, M.R. Wilson, N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem, T.J. McConnell, W. Wolters and V.C. Chinchar Molecular and immunological characterization of gynogenetic channel catfish Marine Biotechnology, 1999; 1:317-3271999
Ross, D.A., B.G. Magor, D.L. Middleton, M.R. Wilson, N. W. Miller, L.W. Clem and G.W. Warr Co-Evolution of an octamer transcription factor: Oct2 of the catfish shows preference for a variant octamer motif Journal of Immunology, 1998; 160:3874-38821998
Luft, J.C., E. Bengtén, L.W. Clem, N.W. Miller and M.R. Wilson Identification and characterization of the tumor suppressor p53 in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Comparative Biochemistry. Physiology, Part B, 1998; 120:675-6821998
Rycyzyn, M.A., M.R. Wilson, L.W. Clem and N.W. Miller Identification of Jak1 in channel catfish: evidence for Jak-STAT interaction Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 1998; 22:401-4061998
Rycyzyn, M.A., M.R. Wilson, E. Bengtén, G.W. Warr, L.W. Clem and N.W. Miller Mitogen and growth factor-induced activation of a STAT-like molecule in channel catfish lymphoid cells Molecular Immunology. 1998; 35: 127-1361998
Wilson, M., H. Zhou, E. Bengtén, L.W. Clem, T.B. Stuge, G.W. Warr and N.W. Miller T-cell receptors in channel catfish. Structure and expression of TCR α and β genes Molecular Immunology, 1998; 35: 545-5571998
Criscitiello, M.F., R. Benedetto, A. Antao, M.R. Wilson, V.G. Chinchar, N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem and T.J. McConnell β2-microglobulin of Ictalurid catfish Immunogenetics, 1998; 48: 339-3431998
Wilson, M., E. Bengtén, N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem, L. DuPasquier and G.W. Warr A novel chimeric Ig heavy chain from a teleost fish shares similarties to IgD Proceedings National Academy of Sciences USA. 1997; 94:4593-5971997
Godwin, U.B., A. Antao, M.R. Wilson, V.G. Chinchar, N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem and T.J. McConnell MHC class II β-genes in the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Dev. Comp. Immunol, 1997; 21: 13-231997
Luft, J., M.R. Wilson, J.E. Bly, N.W. Miller and L.W. Clem Identification and characterization of a heat shock protein 70 family member in channel catfish Comp. Biochem. Physiol, 1996; 113B: 169-1741996
Rycyzyn, M.A., M.R. Wilson, G.W. Warr, L.W. Clem and N.W. Miller Membrane immunoglobulin associated molecules on channel catfish B lymphocytes Dev. Comp. Immunology, 1996; 20: 341-3511996
MuSmann, R., M. Wilson, A. Marcuz, M., Courtet and L. DuPasquier The sequences of the membrane exons of the three Xenopus immunoglobulin classes explain the evolutionary origin of mammalian isotypes European Journal of Immunology, 1996;26:409-4141996
Wilson, M.R., D.A. Ross, N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem, D.L. Middleton, and G.W. Warr Alternate pre-mRNA processing pathways in the production of membrane IgM heavy chains in holostean fish Dev. Comp. Immunol, 1995; 19: 165-1771995
Wilson, M.R., E. Van Ravenstein, N.M. Miller, L.W. Clem, D.L. Middleton, and G.W. Warr cDNA sequences and organization of IgM heavy chain genes in two holostean fish Dev. Comp. Immunol, 1995; 19: 153-1641995
Wilson, M., A. Marcuz, and L. Du Pasquier Somatic mutations during an immune response in Xenopus tadpoles Dev. Immunol, 1995; 4: 227-2341995
Magor, B.G., M.R. Wilson, N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem, D.L. Middleton, and G.W. Warr An Ig heavy chain enhancer of the channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus: Evolutionary conservation of function but not structure J. Immunol, 1994; 153: 5556-55631994
Miller, N.W., M.A. Rycyzyn, M.R. Wilson, G.W. Warr, J.P. Naftel, and L.W. Clem Development and characterization of channel catfish long term B cell lines J. Immunol, 1994; 152: 2180-21891994
Ledford, B.E., B.G. Magor, D.L. Middleton, R.L. Miller, M.R. Wilson, N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem, and G.W. Warr Expression of a mouse-channel catfish chimeric IgM molecule in a mouse myeloma cell Mol. Immunol, 1993; 30: 1405-14171993
Warr, G.W., N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem, and M.R. Wilson Alternate splicing pathways of the immunoglobulin heavy chain transcript of a teleost fish, Ictalurus punctatus Immunogenetics, 1992; 35: 254-2571992
Wilson, M.R., A. Marcuz, M. Courtet, and L. Du Pasquier Sequences of Cmu and the VH1 family in LG7, a clonable strain of Xenopus, homozygous for the immunoglobulin loci Developmental Immunology, 1992; 3: 13-241992
Magor, K.E., G.W. Warr, D. Middleton, M.R. Wilson, and D.A. Higgins Structural relationship between the two IgYs of the duck, Anas platyrhynchos: molecular genetic evidence J. Immunology, 1992; 149: 2627-26331992
Wilson, M.R., E. Hsu, A. Marcuz, M. Courtet, L. Du Pasquier, and C. Steinberg What limits affinity maturation of antibodies in Xenopus - the rate of somatic mutation or the ability to select mutants? EMBO J. 1992; 11: 4337-4347.1992
Warr, G.W., D.L. Middleton, N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem, and M.R. Wilson An additional family of VH sequences in the channel catfish Eur. J. Immunogenetics, 1991; 18: 393-397.1991
Schwager, J., N. Bürckert, M. Schwager, and M. Wilson Evolution of immunoglobulin light chain genes: Analysis of Xenopus IgL isotypes and their contribution to the antibody diversity EMBO J. 1991; 10: 505-5111991
Wilson, M.R., A. Marcuz, F. van Ginkel, N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem, D. Middleton, and G.W. Warr The immunoglobulin M heavy chain constant region of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus: an unusual mRNA splice pattern produces the membrane form of the molecule Nucleic Acids Research, 1990; 18: 5227-52331990
Wilson, M.R., A.C. Wang, W.W. Fish, and G.W. Warr Anomalous behavior of goldfish IgM heavy chain in sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Comp. Biochem. Physiology, 1985; 82B: 41-491985
DeLuca, D., M.R. Wilson, and G.W. Warr Lymphocyte heterogeneity in the trout, Salmo gairdneri, defined by monoclonal antibodies to IgM Eur. J. Immunology, 1983; 13: 546 5511983

Review Article

Bengten E. Wilson E. Antibody repertoires in fish. In Pathogen-Host: antigenic variation vs somatic adaptations Pathogen-Host:antigenic variation vs somatic adaptations. Springer International Publishing,Switzerland,20162016
Edholm, E, Wilson M, Bengtén E. Immunoglobulin light (IgL) chains in ectothermic vertebrates Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2011; 35:906-9152011
Quiniou SMA., Wilson M, Boudinot P. Alternative splicing, NMD and expression of fish immunoglobulins Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2011; 3:949-9582011
Edholm E, Bengtén E, Wilson M Insights into the function of IgD Dev. and Comp. Immunol. 2011; 35:1309-13162011
Du Pasquier, L., M. Wilson, and B. Sammut The fate of duplicated immunity genes in the dodecaploid Xenopus ruwenzoriensi Immunology of Xenopus, Frontiers in BioScience 2009; 14: 177-1912009
Bengtén, E., L.W., Clem, N.W. Miller, G.W. Warr and M. Wilson Channel catfish immunoglobulins: repertoire and expression Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2006; 30: 77-922006
Shen, L., T.B. Stuge, H. Zhou, M. Khayat, K.S. Barker, S. M.A. Quiniou, M. Wilson, E. Bengtén, V.G. Chinchar, L.W. Clem and N.W. Miller Channel catfish cytotoxic cells: a mini-review Dev. Comp. Immunol, 2002; 26: 141-1492002
Bengtén, E., M. Wilson, N. Miller, L.W. Clem, L. Pilström and G.W. Warr Immunoglobulin isotypes: structure, function and genetics Current Topics Microbiology and Immunology., eds. L. Du Pasquier and G.L. Litman, Springer-Verlag, Heidleberg, 1999; 248: 189-2191999
Ross, D.A., M.R. Wilson, N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem and G.W. Warr Evolutionary variation of immunoglobulin μ heavy chain RNA processing pathways: origins, effects, and implications Immunological Reviews, ed. P. Parham, Munksgaard, Denmark, 1998; 166: 143-1511998
Miller, N., M. Wilson, E. Bengtén, T. Stuge, G. Warr and L.W. Clem Functional and molecular characterization of teleost leukocytes Immunological Reviews, ed. P. Parham, Munksgaard, Denmark, 1998; 166: 187-1981998
DuPasquier, L., M. Wilson, A.S. Greenberg and M.J. Flajnik Somatic mutation in ectothermic vertebrates: musings on selection and origins Current Topics Microbiology and Immunology, eds. G. Kelsoe and M.F. Flajnik, Springer-Verlag, Heidleberg, 1997; Vol 229, pp. 199-2161997
Clem, L.W., J.E. Bly, M. Wilson, V.G. Chinchar, T. Stuge, K. Barker, C. Luft, M. Rycyzyn, R.J. Hogan, T. van Lopik and N.W. Miller Fish immunology: the utility of immortalized lymphoid cells-a mini review Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 1996;54:137-1441996
DuPasquier, L., Wilson, M.R., and J. Robert The immune system of Xenopus: special focus on B cell development and immunoglobulin genes The Biology of Xenopus, eds. R. Tinsley and H.R. Kobel, 1996; Oxford Univ. Press, pp. 301-3131996
Wilson, M.R., and G.W. Warr Fish immunoglobulins and the genes that encode them Annual Review of Fish Diseases, 1992; Vol. 2, eds. M. Faisal and F.M. Hetrick, Pergamon Press, pp. 201-2211992


Guest lecturer, Immune mechanisms in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus; Lesson learned from the
catfish model system., Tougaloo College, Jackson, Mississippi
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, immunoglobulin-binding receptors, 4th North American Comparative Immunology Workshop, Santa Barbara, CA06/2013
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, United States Veterinary Reagent Network (VIRN) Update 2013: Channel Catfish, Ictlaurus punctatus., 38th Eastern Fish Health Workshop, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania04/2013
Scientific presentation, Catfish Veterinary Immune Reagent Network (VIRN) Update: Progress and Future Plans. US VIRN Program Director's Meeting with Board of Advisors, March 31-April 1, Dartmouth, Masschuettes 2013., Catfish Veterinary Immune Reagent Network, Dartmouth, Masschuettes03/2013
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Channel catfish cytotoxic cells, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton Alberta Canada09/2012
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, "What we know and what we don't know about channel catfish B and T cells, 3rd North American Comparative Immunology Workshop, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York06/2012
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, What we know and what we don't know about catfish B and T cells, University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine, Athens, Georgia03/2012
Scientific Presentations, Catfish Veterinary Immune Reagent Network (VIRN) Update: Progress and Future Plans, USDA, Washington, DC04/2011
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, IgD-bearing cell populations in the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, NIH Symposium, 2010 5th Aquatic Animal Models of Human Disease Conference, Corvallis OR09/2010
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, What we know and what we don't know about fish immunoglobulins, Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Starkville MS04/2010
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, IgD+ cell populations in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, 11th International Congress of International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, Prague, Czech Republic06/2009
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Functional characterization of channel catfish IgD bearing cell populations, Department of Biochemistry, UMC Jackson, MS04/2009
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Functional characterization of three distinct IgD bearing cell populations in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, 8th International Congress on the Biology of Fish, Portland, Oregon07/2008
Poster Presentation, An IgM binding soluble Fc receptor in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, FASEB, San Diego, California05/2008
Poster Presentation, Identification of CD79a and CD79b homologs in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, FASEB, San Diego, California05/2008
Poster Presentation, Three different IgD cell populations in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, FASEB, San Diego, California05/2008
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Progress in channel catfish, Ictakurus punctatus genomics: Coordinator report, Plant & Animal Genome XIII 2007, San Diego, CA2007
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) granulocytes bind IgD, 10th International Congress of International Society of Developmental and Comparative immunology, Charleston SC06/2006
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, The T-cell receptor beta locus of the channel catfish Ictalurus puncatus reveals unique features, 9th International Congress of International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, St. Andrews, Scotland06/2003
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Molecular and functional characterization of teleost leukocyte receptors, The Louis Du Pasquier Symposium of Phylogeny of the Immune System, San Francisco, CA05/2003
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Functional and molecular characterization of the rearranging Ig and TCR loci in channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus, Plant & Animal Genome XI, San Diego, CA2003

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Trailblazer teaching Award, UMMC2019
Excellence In Research Award, UMMC2017
M2 All-Star Professor, The Carl G. Evers M.D. Society2016

Professional Membership and Service

Programme Transversal de Recherche (PTR) #21 Pasteur Institute, Program reviewer2007
US Veterinary Immune Reagent Network, Coordinator for channel catfish reagents2007 - 2014
Joint Genome Institute, Project Participant, Ictalurus punctatus, Ictalurus furcates EST Sequencing Project, Community Sequencing Program2005 - 2008
Ictalurus punctatus genome Project (USDA NRSP-1), Species coordinator2004 - 2008
Developmental and Comparative Immunology, Current Member and Past Editorial Board Member2003 - 2017
Uppsala University, Visiting Guest Scientist Department of cell and Molecular Biology2002
American Association of Immunologists, Member1993 - Present
International Society for Developmental and Comparative Immunology, Member1981 - Present

Committee Service

Executive Faculty Committee, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, UMMC, Member2005 - Present
member of Editorial Board for the journal, Developmental and Comparative Immunology, Member2003 - 2017
Search Committee Department of Microbiology Chairman, UMMC, Member2003 - 2004

Community Service

Balloon Mississippi, member10/2018 - Present
DIscovery U Program, Host2012 - 03/2019
Graduate School Team Walk For Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi, Faculty Sponsor10/2011 - 10/2011
Mid-Mississippi Ballon Association, Member2003 - 02/2017
The Good Samaratian Center, Jackson, MS, Board President2003 - 06/2016
Discovery U, Mississippi Childrens Museum 2014, 2016, Faculty

Other Service

Co-editor for Developmental and Comparative Immunology Special Issue: a Development and Comparative Immunology, Co-editor03/2020 - 12/2020
Member of Advisory Board for Tougaloo College “Scholarship, Leadership, and Mentoring in the STEM Fields (SLMS).” NSF: award number 1912191P., Member05/2019 - Present
National Science Foundation, IOS-Symbiosis Defense & Self Recognition Cluster, Panel member09/2017 - 10/2017
Graduate School Admissions Committee, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Member2016 - Present
Proposal reviewer for College of Veterinary Medicine Mississippi State University, Internal Grants Program06/2015 - 07/2015
Chairman, Immunology Session, Eastern Fish Health Workshop, Chairman04/2013 - 05/2013
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Discovery grants2013 - 2014
Editor Special Issue of Developmental and Comparative Immunology in honor of Dr. Greg Warr, Volume 35 Issue 9, Editor09/2011 - 10/2011
Proposal reviewer for BARD - The US-Israel Agricultural Research & Development Fund01/2011 - 01/2011
Graduate Program Review Committee, member2011 - 12/2015
Canada Research Chairs (CRC program)02/2010 - 02/2010
National Science Foundation Molecular and Cellular Biology-Cell Signaling10/2009 - 03/2014
College of Veterinary Medicine Mississippi State University, Internal Grants Program09/2009 - 10/2012
Chairman, "T and B cell Receptors and Function," 11th Congress International Society for Developmental & Comparative Immunology, Prague, Czech Republic, Chairman06/2009 - 07/2009
Research Experience Opportunity (REO) Program, Mississippi Functional Genomics Network, Mentor06/2008 - 08/2008
National Science Foundation IOS-Symbiosis Defense & Self Recognition Cluster11/2007 - 04/2011
Programme Transversal de Recherche (PT), program number 2107/2007 - 07/2007
Proposal reviewer for Programme Transversal de Recherche (PTR), program number 21, Pasteur Institute07/2007 - 07/2007
Research Experience Opportunity (REO) Program; Mississippi Functional Genomics Network, Mentor06/2007 - 08/2007
Graduate Qualifying Exam Committee -every other year, member10/2005 - Present
UMMC Summer Undergraduate Research Experience 2009-2017, Mentor05/2005 - 08/2017
NIH Immunology Fellwoship Study Section ZRG1 F07 (20), Panel member2005 - 2008
Ictalurus punctatus, Ictalurus furcates EST Sequencing Project, Joint Genome Institute, project participant2005 - 2008
Department of Microbiology and Immunology Executive Committee, member2005 - Present
NIH Immunology Fellowship Study Setion ZRG1 F0711/2004 - 02/2008
National Science Foundation, Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology Study Section08/2004 - 08/2004
Search Committee for Department of Microbiology Chairman, Member2003 - 2004

Teaching Experience

727, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Current Issues in Biomedical Research and Translational Medicine
611, Medicine, Lecture, Course Presenter, Medical Microbiology and ImmunologyFall M2
611, Medicine, Small Group, Lab Presenter, Medical MicrobiologyFall
733, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Experimental Immunochemistry and Immunobiology," MICRO 733Spring 2020
734, Graduate, Course, Course Presenter, Graduate immunology
641, Dentistry, Course, Course Presenter, Dental MicrobiologyWinter
641, Dentistry, Lab, Lab Presenter, Dental MicrobiologyWinter

Directed Student Learning

Research Advisor, Advised: Kristianna Salenes2019 - Present
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Advised: Jonathon Crider2018 - Present
Dissertation Committee Member, Inflammatory Mediators and alterations to Barrier function in obesity and weight loss: perspectives in humans and rodents
Advised: Charles Phillips
Dissertation Committee Member, Excision, conjugation and diversity of the integrative conjugative element ICE6013, in Staphylococcus aureus
Advised: Emily Sansever
Supervised Research, Advised: Kelsey Matthew
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Katherine Rego
Dissertation Committee Member, Host Cell Responses to Streptococcus Pneumoniae and the Virulence Protein Pneumolysin
Advised: Justin Thorton
Dissertation Committee Member, Insights into Leukocyte Immune-Type Receptor functions in viral and bacterial infections in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus
Advised: Laura Blackmon
Dissertation Committee Chair, Insights into the dynamics of memory, effector, and apoptotic cytotoxic T lymphocytes in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus
Advised: David Spencer
Dissertation Committee Member, Molecular and functional characterization of antivuiral cytotoxic T lymphocytes in channel catfish, ictalurus punctatus
Advised: Erin Taylor
Dissertation Committee Member, Identification and molecular characterization of a family of P-type ATPases in Trichomonas vaginalis
Advised: Preetam Shah
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Benjamin Motongomery
Dissertation Committee Member, The mechanistic role of pneumolysin during streptococcus pneumonia keratitis
Advised: Sidney Taylor
Dissertation Committee Member, The importance of host-bacterial interactions in the pathogenesis od Strepococcus pneumoniae keratitis
Advised: Nathan Tullos
Dissertation Defense Committee Member, Population genetics characterization of virulence factors, and epidemiology in the sexually transmitted parasite, Trichimonas vaginalis
Advised: Denise Cornelius
Dissertation Committee Member, The role of iron in physiology and pathogenesis of Streptococcus pneumonia
Advised: Rada Gupta
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Expression analyses of viral (frog virus 3 and channel catfish virus) and host cell genes following in vitro infection
Advised: Saji Majii
Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair, IgD+ cell populations in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus
Advised: Eva-Stina Edholm
Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair, B cell receptor and T cell receptor associated signaling molecules in the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus
Advised: Manoranjan Sahoo
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Immunoglobulin M binding Fc receptors in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus
Advised: Deepak Nayak
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Role of Polyamine Biosynthesis and Transport in Streptococcus pneumoniae Physiology, Pathogenesis and Vaccine Design
Advised: Pratik Shah
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Molecular characterization of type I and type II inteferons and identification of interferon stimulated genes in channel catfish
Advised: Ivanka Milev-Milovanovic
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Development of markers for cytotoxic cells in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus
Advised: Mohadetheh Moulana
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Characterization of channel catfish (ictalurus punctatus) novel immune-type receptors and monoclonal antibodies to MHC class IIbeta
Advised: Jason Evenhuis
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, In vivo expression by Streptococcus pneumoniae and its role in the recruitment complement regulatot factor H
Advised: Lisa Quinn
Master's Thesis Committee Member, Identification and characterization of a Fc receptor (FcR) homolog in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus
Advised: Deepak Nayak
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Effects of genetic background on antibody responses to PsPA and characterization of the role of TEX in pathogen fitness of Strepococcus pneumoniae
Advised: Xiangyun He
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, The function of polyamines and their transport with the physiology and pathogenesis of strepococcus pneumoniae
Advised: Daphne Ware
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Channel catfish (ictalurus punctatus) CD45: expression and gene organization
Advised: Evgueni Kountikov
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Development of a DNA vaccine expressing the alpha helical domain of PSPA capable of eliciting protective immune responses against steptococcus pneumoniae
Advised: Joseph Bosarge
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, interaction of human factor H with PSPC of Streptococcus pneumonia
Advised: Sandhya Dave
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Identification and characterization of anti-virus and apoptosis-related genes in the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus
Advised: Scott Long
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Characterization of Nk-like cells in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
Advised: Linling Shen
Outside Examiner Second Opponent, Studies of immunoglobulin light chains in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Advised: Sirje Timmusk
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Signaling pathways involved with T cell activation and proliferation in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
Advised: Heon Park
Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair, Characterization of channel catfish (ictalurus punctatus) T cell receptor genes and alloantigen-dependent cytotoxic T lymphocytes
Advised: He Zhou
Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair, Physiological and genetic aspects of channel catfish immunity: I. effect of low temperature stress on the distribution of epidermal mucous cells as a factor in saprolegniosis and II. linkage and function of major histocompatibility genes
Advised: Sylvie Quinou
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Analysis of factors that may be involved in the immortalization of leukocytes from the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
Advised: Katherine Barker
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Identification and molecular characterization of a family of P-type ATPases in Trichomonas vaginalis
Advised: Preetam Shah
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Identification and characterization of MHC class I genes in the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
Advised: Aurita Antao
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Molecular analysis of vertebrate iridoviruses: viral gene expression, regulation and taxonomic studies
Advised: Jinghe Mao
Outside Examiner First Opponent, The immunoglobulin genes in an actinopterygian fish, the siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri)
Advised: Mats Lundqvist
Supervised Research, Advised: Leah Smith
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Antiviral cytotoxic cells in the channel catfish (ictaklurus punctatus)
Advised: Robert Hogan
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Functional and phenotypic characterization of channel catfish 9ictalurus punctatus) cytotoxic cells generated in mixed leukocyte cultures
Advised: Tor Stuge
Supervised Research, Advised: William Craft
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Activation events in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) lymphocytes
Advised: Michael Rycyzyn
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Molecular properties of the activation domains of the ZEBRA protein
Advised: Srdjan Askovic
Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair, Identification and characterization of a heat shock protein 70 and p53 in the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
Advised: James Luft
Master Thesis Reader, Junctional diveristy in Xenopus immunoglobulin light chains
Advised: Youngran Ji
Supervised Research, Advised: Thea van Lopik
Supervised Research, Advised: Erik van Ravenstein