Kedra M. Wallace, PhD

Kedra M. Wallace, PhD




Work Phone:
(601) 984-5396


Kedra Martin Wallace was born and raised in Mandeville, LA. She attended Millsaps College in Jackson, MS, where she received a Bachelor of Science in Biology in 2001. She went on to receive a Master’s of Science in Pharmacology and Toxicology in 2006 and a Doctor of Philosophy in Neuroscience in 2009 from the University of Mississippi Medical Center.


University of Mississippi Medical Center, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Obstetrics & Gynecology2012
University of Mississippi Medical Center, PhD, Neuroscience2009
University of Mississippi Medical Center, MS, Pharmacology2006
Millsaps College, BS, Biology2001

Current Positions

Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology / Toxicology07/2023 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Associate Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences, Department of Pharmacology / Toxicology09/2021 - 06/2023
Associate Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomical Sciences07/2020 - 06/2022
Associate Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology07/2020 - 06/2023
Clinical Investigation Program Director, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences08/2018 - 05/2023
Associate Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomical Sciences07/2018 - 06/2020
Associate Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology07/2018 - 06/2020
Maternal Fetal Medicine Graudate Program Director, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences07/2018 - 05/2024
Ob/Gyn Research Division Director, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine01/2018 - 09/2021
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology07/2014 - 06/2018
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomical Sciences07/2014 - 06/2018
Instructor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology04/2012 - 06/2014
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology01/2010 - 04/2012

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, Inflammation mediated hypertension and neurovascular dysfunction during a preeclampsia (PE) phenotype of pregnancy and postpartum, NIH/NHLBI04/2023 - 03/2028
Extramural, Evaluation of neurovascular function and hypertension across a selected lifespan, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative - Science Diversity Leadership Award01/2023 - 12/2027
Extramural, Pregnancy as a window to the future: Outcomes of Antihypertensive Therapy and superimposed preeclampsia in pregnant women with mild chronic hypertension, NIH/NHLBI09/2021 - 08/2026
Extramural, Enhancing patient decision making for women with Uterine Fibroids, NIH/NIMHD07/2021 - 06/2023
Extramural, Chronic Hypertension and Pregnancy (CHAP) Project: 5 to 7-year Maternal Cardiovascular Outcomes of Superimposed Preeclampsia and Antihypertensive Therapy (CHAP Maternal Follow-up Study)04/2021 - Present
Extramural, Chronic Hypertension and Pregnancy (CHAP) Trial Child Follow-up: Neurodevelopment, Growth and Cardiometabolic Outcomes of Antihypertensive Therapy and Preeclampsia, NIH/NICHD07/2020 - 06/2025
Extramural, Childhood follow-up study of obesity and neurodevelopment after perinatal exposure to adjunctive azithromycin prophylaxis for cesarean Delivery (C/SOAP Follow-Up Study), NIH/NICHD07/2020 - 06/2025
Extramural, Implementing the STAMPP-HTN bundle in a high-risk Mississippi population, NIH/NIGMS06/2020 - 05/2021
Extramural, The effect of hypoxia on CYR61 and EFN4A expression in black and white women with uterine fibroids, NIH/NIMHD07/2019 - 06/2020
Extramural, Hypertension and Neuroinflammation during Pregnancy– The Impact on Maternal Behavior and Offspring Neurodevelopment, NIH/NIGMS09/2018 - 08/2022
Extramural, Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) during HELLP Syndrome, NIGMS/NIH09/2018 - 09/2019
Extramural, Antihypertensive Therapy for Mild Chronic Hypertension during Pregnancy: A Pragmatic Multicenter Randomized Trial (CHAP Project), NHLBI12/2016 - 11/2021
Extramural, Medical Optimization and Management of Pregnancies with Overt Type 2 Diabetes (MOMPOD), NICHD07/2016 - 06/2021
Extramural, Genetic Profile of the HELLP Brain, NIGMS01/2016 - 12/2016
Intramural, A Comparison of gut and placental microbiota of infants born to normal weight vs obese mothers, Pediatric Department03/2015 - 09/2017
Extramural, Comparing options for management: Patient centered results in uterine fibroids (COMPARE-UF), PCORI-AHRQ NIH09/2014 - 08/2019
Extramural, The effects of dexamethasone on post-partum mental health, NIGMS07/2014 - 03/2017
Intramural, Multi-organ ET-1 Activation and T lymphocyte infiltration in HELLP syndrome11/2013 - 10/2014
Extramural, The role of Hypoxia Stimulated Vasoactive Peptides in the Development of Uterine Leiomyomas, American Society of Reproductive Medicine07/2012 - 06/2014
Extramural, The role of T lymphocytes in mediating hypertension during pregnancy, National Institutes of Health02/2012 - 02/2014
Extramural, Elucidating the role of Nitric oxide and Endothelin-1 activation in endothelial cells co-cultured with placental explants from African American and Caucasian high-risk pregnancies, Mississippi Institute forthe Improvement of Geographic Minority Health05/2007 - 08/2009


Journal Article

Griffin A, Berry B, Spencer SK, Bowles T, Wallace K. Indoxyl Sulfate Administration during Pregnancy Contributes to Renal Injury and Increased Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability. Int J Mol Sci.2023
Morris R, Moustafa ASZ, Kassahun-Yimer W, Novotny S, Billsby B, Abbas A, Wallace K. COVID-19 Not Hypertension or Diabetes Increases the Risk of Preeclampsia among a High-Risk Population. Int J Environ Res Public Health2022
Araji S, Griffin A, Kassahun-Yimer W, Dixon L, Spencer S-K, Belk S, Ohaegbulam G, Wallace K No association between perinatal mood disorders and hypertensive pregnancies Front Psychiatry2022
Cornelius DC, Wang X, Griffin A, Morris R, Wallace K Preeclampsia and COVID-19: the Role of Inflammasome Activation Curr Hypertens Rep2022
Cornelius DC, Wang X, Griffin A, Morris R, Wallace K Preeclampsia and COVID‑19: the Role of Inflammasome Activation Current Hypertension Reports2022
Tita AT, Szychowski JM, Boggess K, Dugoff L, Sibai B, Lawrence K, Hughes BL, Bell J, Aagaard K, Edwards RK, Gibson K, Haas DM, Plante L, Metz T, Casey B, Esplin S, Longo S, Hoffman M, Saade GR, Hoppe KK, Foroutan J, Tuuli M, Owens MY, Simhan HN, Frey H, Rosen T, Platnik A, Baker S, August P, Reddy UM, Kinzler W, Su E, Krishna I, Nguyen N, Norton ME, Skupski D, El-Sayed YY, Ogunyemi D, Galis ZS, Harper L, Ambalavanan N, Geller NL, Oparil S, Vutter GR, Andrews WW. Treatment for Mild Chronic Hypertension during Pregnancy N Engl J Med2022
Wallace K, Stewart EA, Wise LA, Nicholson WK, Parry JP,Zhang S, Laughlin-Tommaso S, Jacoby V, Anchan RM, Diamond MP, Venable S, Shiflett A, Wegienka GR, Larry GM, Wojdyla D, Myers ER, Marsh E. Anxiety, Depression and Quality of Life after Procedural Intervention for Uterine Fibroids. Journal of Women's Health 2022, Vol 31, No. 32022
Wise L, Thomas L, Anderson S, Baird DD, Anchan RM, Terry KL, Marsh EE, Wegienka G, Nicholson WK, Wallace K, Bigelow R, Spies J, Maxwell GL, Jacoby V, Myers ER, Stewart EA Route of myomectomy and fertility: a prospective cohort study Fertil Steril, Vol 117 Issue 5 May 2022 Pages 1083-10932022
Wallace K, Bowles T,Griffin A, Robinson R, Solis L, Railey T, Shaffery JP, Araji S, Spencer SK Evidence of Anxiety, Depression and Learning Impairments following Prenatal Hypertension Behav Sci, 2022 Volume 12 Issue 22022
Suresh SC, Duncan C, Kaur H, Mueller A, Tung A, Perdigao JL, Khosla K, Dhir R, Stewart K, Wallace K, Ahn R, Rana S Postpartum Outcomes With Systematic Treatment and Management of Postpartum Hypertension Obstet Gynecol.2021
Vaka R, Deer E, Cunningham M, McMaster KM, Wallace K, Cornelius DC, Amaral LM, Lamarca B Characterization of Mitochondrial Bioenergetics in Preeclampsia J Clin Med2021
Griffin A, Spencer SK, Bowles T, Solis L, Robinson R, Ramarao S, Wallace K Male HELLP pups experience sensorimotor delays and reduced body weight. Physiol Behav2021
Sunitha Suresh, Colleen Duncan, Harjot Kaur, Ariel Mueller, Avery Tung, Joana Lopes-Perdigao, Kavia Khosla, Rohin Dhir, Kedra Wallace, Roy Ahn, Sarosh Rana. Postpartum outcomes with systematic treatment and management of postpartum hypertension Obstet Gynecol. 2021:138(5):777-7872021
Deer E, Vaka VR, McMaster K, Wallace K, Cornelius DC, Amaral LM, Cunningham MW, Lamarca B. Vascular endothelial mitochondrial oxidative stress in response to preeclampsia: A role for angiotensin II type 1 autoantibodies. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM. 2021:3(1):1002752021
Wegienka G, Stewart EA, Nicholson WK, Zhang S, Li F, Thomas L, Spies JB, Venable S, Laughlin-Tommaso S, Diamond MP, Anchan RM, Maxwell GL, Marsh EE, Myers ER, Vines AI, Wise LA, Wallace K, Jacoby VL. Black women are more likely than white women to schedule a uterine-sparing treatment for leiomyomas. J Women's Health. 2021:30(3):355-3662021
Szczepanski J, Spencer SK, Griffin A, Bowles T, Williams JM, Kyle P, Dumas JP, Araji S, Wallace K. Acute kidney injury during pregnancy exacerbates hypertension and increases sFlt-1 and sEng in pregnant rats with a HELLP Syndrome. Biol Sex Differ2020
Ambalavanan N, Jauk V, Szychowski JM, Boggess KA, Saade G, Longo S, Esplin S, Cleary K, Wapner R, Letson K, Owens M, Blackwell S, Andrews W, Tita AT, C/SOAP Consortium Epidemiology of readmissions in early infancy following nonelective cesarean delivery J Perinatol2020
Gibbens J, Spencer SK, Solis L, Bowles T, Kyle P, Szczepanski J, Dumas JP, Robinson R, Wallace K. Fas ligand neutralization attenuates hypertension, endothelin-1, and placental inflammation in an animal model of HELLP syndrome AJP Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 2020:319(2):R195-R202.2020
Araji S, Griffin A, Dixon L, Spencer SK, Peavie C, Wallace K. An Overview of Maternal Anxiety During Pregnancy and the Post-partum period. J Ment Health Clin Psychol, 2020:4(4):47-56.2020
Sims J, Lutz E, Wallace K, Kassahun-Yimer W, Ngwudike C, Shwayder J. Depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate, weight gain and amenorrhea among obese adolescent and adult women European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care. 2020:25(1):54-59.2020
Wallace K, Zhang L, Stewart E, Nicholson W, Wegienka G, Wise L, Laughlin-Tommaso S, Diamond M, Marsh E, Jacoby V, Anchan R, Venable S, Lytle B, Wang T, Myers E. Comparative effectiveness of hysterectomy versus myomectomy on 1-year health-related quality of life in women with uterine fibroids. Fertility and Sterility. 2020:113(3):618-626.2020
Jamie Szczepanski, Ashley Griffin, Sarah Novotny, Kedra Wallace. Acute Kidney Injury in Pregnancies complicated with Preeclampsia or HELLP Syndrome. Frontiers in Medicine: Nephrology. 2020:7:22. PMC 7020199.2020
Shannon K. Laughlin-Tommaso, Laine Thomas, Michael Diamond, Kedra Wallace, Ganesa Wegienka, Anissa Vines, Ray M Anchan, Tracy Wang, G. Larry Maxwell, Vanessa Jacoby, Erica E Marsh, James B Spies, Wanda Nicholson, Elizabeth A. Stewart, Evan Myers. Short-term Quality of Life after Myomectomy for Uterine Fibroids. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2020:222(4):345.e1-345.e22.2019
Nicholson W, Wegienka G, Zhang S, Thomas L, Wallace K, Stewart E, Laughlin-Tommason S, Marsh E, Jacoby V, Wise L, Borah B, Spies J, Venable S, Anchan R, Maxwell G, Lytle B, Diamond M, Myers E. Short-term Health-Related Quality of Life after Hysterectomy versus Myomectomy for Symptomatic Leiomyomas Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2019; 134(2):261-2692019
Ridgway M, Multani S, Wallace K, Sabins B. Provider Perceived Barriers to HPV Vaccination in Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association. 2019; 1:6-8.2019
Cornelius DC, Wallace K. Decidual natural killer cells: A critical pregnancy mediator altered in preeclampsia. EBioMedicine. 2019; 39:31-322019
Bean C, Spencer SK, Pabbidi MR, Szczepanski J, Araji S, Dixon S, Wallace K Peripheral Anti-Angiogenic Imbalance during Pregnancy Impairs Myogenic Tone and Increases Cerebral Edema in a Rodent Model of HELLP Syndrome Brain Science. 2018; 8(12):1-132018
Wallace K, Bean C, Bowles T, Spencer SK, Randle W, Kyle P, Shaffery J. Hypertension, anxiety and blood-brain barrier permeability are increased in post-partum rats with a history of severe preeclampsia/HELLP syndrome. Hypertension. 2018; 72:946-9542018
Bean C, Spencer SK, Pabbidi MR, Szczepanski J, Araji S, Dixon S, Wallace K. Peripheral Anti-Angiogenic Imbalance during Pregnancy Impairs Myogenic Tone and Increases Cerebral Edema in a Rodent Model of HELLP Syndrome. Brain sciences. 2018; 8(12)2018
Wallace K, Chatman K, Johnson V, Brookins A, Rushing J, LaMarca B. Novel Treatment Avenues for Uterine Leiomyoma: A New Implication for Endothelin? Clinical science. 2018; 132(20): 2261-22672018
Morris R, Spencer SK, Barnes A, Bowles T, Kyle PB, Wallace K. Attenuation of Oxidative Stress and Hypertension in an Animal Model of HELLP Syndrome. European Journal of Pharmacology. 2018; 834:136-1412018
Gibbens J, Morris R, Bowles T, Spencer SK, Wallace K. Dysregulation of the Fas/FasL System in an Experimental Animal Model of HELLP Syndrome. Pregnancy Hypertension. 2017; 8:26-302017
Bean C, Spencer SK, Bowles T, Kyle PB, Williams JM, Gibbens J, Wallace K. Inhibition of T-cell Activation Attenuates Hypertension, TNF a, IL-17, and Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability in Pregnant Rats with Angiogenic Imbalance. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2016; 76(4):272-792016
Patil CN, Wallace K, LaMarca BD, Moulana M, Lopez-Ruiz A, Soljancic A, Juncos LA, Grande JP, Reckelhoff JF. Low-dose Testosterone Protects Against Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury by Increasing Renal IL-10 to TNF-I± Ratio and Attenuating T-cell Infiltration. American Journal of Physiology. 2016; 311(2):F395-4032016
Morris R, Spencer SK, Kyle PB, Williams JM, Harris A, Owens MY, Wallace K. Hypertension in an Animal Model of HELLP Syndrome is Associated with Activation of Endothelin 1. Reproductive Sciences. 2016; 23(1):42-502016
Briery CM, Rose CH, Wallace K, Bennett WA, Martin RW, Morrison JC Progesterone therapy attenuates fetal brain cytokine levels and improves survival/brain weights in infected rat pups Integrative Molecular Medicine. 2015; 2:228-230.2015
Wallace K, Tremble SM, Owens MY, Morris R, Cipolla MJ. Plasma from Patients with HELLP Syndrome Increases Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability. Reproductive Sciences. 2015; 22(3):278-842015
Briery C, Rose C, Wallace K, Bennett W, Martin R, Morrison JC. Progesterone therapy attenuates fetal brain cytokine levels and improves survival/birth weights in infected rat pups. Integrative Molecular Medicine. 2015; 2:228-2302015
Wallace K, Cornelius DC, Scott J, Heath J, Moseley J, Chatman K, LaMarca B. CD4+ T Cells are Important Mediators of Oxidative Stress that Cause Hypertension in Response to Placental Ischemia. Hypertension. 2014; 64(5):1151-582014
Mathis KW, Wallace K, Flynn ER, Maric-Bilkan C, LaMarca B, Ryan MJ. Preventing Autoimmunity Protects Against the Development of Hypertension and Renal Injury. Hypertension. 2014; 64(4):792-8002014
Wallace K, Chatman K, Porter J, Scott J, Johnson V, Moseley J, LaMarca B. Endothelin 1 is Elevated in Plasma and Explants from Patients Having Uterine Leiomyomas. Reproductive Sciences. 2014; 21(9):1196-2052014
Wallace K, Morris R, Kyle PB, Cornelius D, Darby M, Scott J, Moseley J, Chatman K, LaMarca B. Hypertension, Inflammation and T Lymphocytes are Increased in a Rat Model of HELLP Syndrome. Hypertension in Pregnancy. 2014; 33(1):41-542014
Darby M, Martin JN Jr, Mitchell SQ, Owens MY, Wallace K. Using Case Reports to Determine When Liver Bleeding Occurs During Disease Progression in HELLP Syndrome. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics: The Official Organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. 2013; 123(1):7-92013
Cornelius DC, Wallace K, Kiprono L, Dhillon P, Moseley J, LaMarca B. Endothelin-1 is Not a Mechanism of IL-17 Induced Hypertension during Pregnancy. Medical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2013; 1(1)2013
Darby MM, Wallace K, Cornelius DC, Chatman KT, Moseley JN, Martin JN, Purser CA, Baker RC, Owens MT, LaMarca B. Vitamin D Supplementation Suppresses Hypoxia-Stimulated Placental Cytokine Secretion, Hypertension and CD4+ T-Cell Stimulation in Response to Placental Ischemia. Medical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2013; 1(2)2013
Moore LE, Wallace KL, Alexander BT, May WL, Thigpen BD, Bennett WA. Reduced Placental Perfusion Causes an Increase in Maternal Serum Leptin. Placenta. 2013; 24(8-9):877-812013
Kiprono LV, Wallace K, Moseley J, Martin J Jr, LaMarca B. Progesterone Blunts Vascular Endothelial Cell Secretion of Endothelin-1 in Response to Placental Ischemia. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2013; 209(1):44.e1-62013
Novotny S, Wallace K, Herse F, Moseley J, Darby M, Heath J, Gill J, Wallukat G, Martin JN, Dechend R, LaMarca B. CD4+ T-Cells Play a Critical Role in Mediating Hypertension in Response to Placental Ischemia. Journal of Hypertension. 2013; 22013
Wallace K, Martin JN Jr, Tam Tam K, Wallukat G, Dechend R, LaMarca B, Owens MY. Seeking the mechanism(s) of action for corticosteroids in HELLP syndrome: SMASH Study. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2013; 208(5):380.e1-82013
Dhillon P, Wallace K, Herse F, Scott J, Wallukat G, Heath J, Moseley J, Martin JN Jr, Dechend R, LaMarca B. IL-17-Mediated Oxidative Stress is an Important Stimulator of AT1-AA and Hypertension During Pregnancy. American Journal of Physiology. 2012; 303(4):R353-582012
Wallace K, Novotny S, Heath J, Moseley J, Martin JN Jr, Owens MY, LaMarca B. Hypertension in Response to CD4+ T-Cells from Reduced Uterine Perfusion Pregnant Rats is Associated with Activation of the Endothelin-1 System. American Journal of Physiology. 2012; 303(2):R144-492012
LaMarca B, Parrish MR, Wallace K. Agonistic Autoantibodies to the Angiotensin II Type I Receptor Cause Pathophysiologic Characteristics of Preeclampsia. Gender Medicine. 2012; 9(3):139-462012
Novotny SR, Wallace K, Heath J, Moseley J, Dhillon P, Weimer A, Wallukat G, Herse F, Wenzel K, Martin JN Jr, Dechend R, LaMarca B. Activating Autoantibodies to the Angiotensin II Type I Receptor Plan an Important Role in Mediating Hypertension in Response to Adoptive Transfer of CD4+ T Lymphocytes from Placental Ischemic Rats. American Journal of Physiology. 2012; 302(10):R1197-2012012
Wallace K, Horgan J, Bennett W Intrauterine infection promotes brain specific activation and hyperactivity in the developing rat Journal of Neuroscience and Behavioral Health. 2012;4(3):25-322012
LaMarca B, Parrish MR, Wallace K. Agonistic autoantibodies to the antigen II type I receptor cause pathophysiologic characteristics of preeclampsia. Gender Medicine. 2012; 9(3):139-462012
Wallace KL, Johnson V, Sopelak V, Hines R. Clomiphene Citrate Versus Letrozole: Molecular Analysis of the Endometrium in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Fertility and Sterility. 2011; 96(4):1051-562011
Parrish MR, Wallace K, Tam Tam KB, Herse F, Weimer A, Wenzel K, Wallukat G, Ray LF, Arany M, Cockrell K, Martin JN Jr, Dechend R, LaMarca B. Hypertension in Response to AT1-AA: Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension. American Journal of Hypertension. 2011; 24(7):835-402011
Wallace K, Richards S, Dhillon P, Weimer A, Edholm ES, Bengten E, Wilson M, Martin JN Jr, LaMarca B. CD4+ T-Helper Cells Stimulated in Response to Placental Ischemia Mediate Hypertension During Pregnancy. Hypertension. 2011; 57(5):949-552011
Owens MY, Wallace KL, Mamoon N, Wyatt-Ashmead J, Bennett WA. Absence of Neurotoxicity with Medicinal Grade Terbutaline in the Rat Model. Reproductive Toxicology. 2011; 31(4):447-532011
LaMarca B, Wallace K, Herse F, Wallukat G, Martin JN Jr, Weimer A, Dechend R. Hypertension in Response to Placental Ischemia During Pregnancy: Role of B-Lymphocytes. Hypertension. 2011; 57(4):865-712011
Scott LV, Wallace K, Mays S, Ryan P, Coats KS. An Immunohistochemical Assay to Detect Trophoblasts in Frozen Feline Placenta. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation: Official Publication of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians Inc. 2011; 23(2):275-812011
Wallace KL, Lopez J, Shaffery JP, Wells A, Paul IA, Bennett WA. Interleukin-10 and Ceftriaxone Prevents E. Coli-induced Delays in Sensorimotor Task Learning and Spatial Memory in Neonatal and Adult Sprague-Dawley Rats. Brain Research Bulletin. 2010; 81(1):141-482010
Wallace KL, Veerisetty S, Paul IA, May W, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Bennett W. Prenatal Infection Decreases Calbindin, Decreases Purkinje Cell Volume and Density and Produces Long-term Motor Deficits in Sprague-Dawley Rats. Developmental Neuroscience. 2010; 32(4):302-122010

Review Article

Irene O Aninye, Melissa H Laitner and Society for Women’s Health Research Uterine Fibroid Working Group. Uterine Fibroids: Assessing Unmet Needs from Bench to Bedside. Journal of Women's Health. 2021; 30(8):1060-1067.2021
As-Sanie S, Black R, Giudice LC, Valbrun TG, Gupta J, Jones B, Laufer MR, Milspaw AT, Missmer SA, Norman A, Taylor RN, Wallace K, Williams Z, Yong PJ, Nebel RA Assessing research gaps and unmet needs in endometriosis AM J Obstet Gynecol2019
Wallace K and Spencer SK. Hypertension During Pregnancy: A Link to Post-partum Depression and Anxiety? Journal of Gynecology and Women's Health. 2018; 10:001-0042018
Wallace K, Harris S, Addison A, Bean C. HELLP Syndrome: Pathophysiology and current therapies. Current pharmaceutical biotechnology. 2018; 19(10):816-8262018
Amaral LM, Wallace K, Owens M, LaMarca B. Pathophysiology and Current Clinical Management of Preeclampsia. Current Hypertension Reports. 2017; 19(8):612017
LaMarca B, Cornelius DC, Harmon AC, Amaral LM, Cunningham MW, Faulkner JL, Wallace K. Identifying Immune Mechanisms Mediating the Hypertension During Preeclampsia. American Journal of Physiology. 2016; 311(1):R1-92016
Harmon AC, Cornelius DC, Amaral LM, Faulkner JL, Cunningham MW Jr, Wallace K, LaMarca B. The Role of Inflammation in the Pathophysiology of Preeclampsia. Clinical Science. 2016; 130(6):409-192016
LaMarca B, Cornelius D, Wallace K. Elucidating Immune Mechanisms Causing Hypertension During Pregnancy. Physiology. 2013; 28(4):225-332013
LaMarca B, Brewer J, Wallace K. IL-6-Induced Pathophysiology During Preeclampsia: Potential Therapeutic Role for Magnesium Sulfate? International Journal of Interferon, Cytokine, and Mediator Research. 2011; 2011(3):59-642011
LaMarca B, Wallace K, Granger J. Role of Angiotensin II Type I Receptor Agonistic Autoantibodies (AT1-AA) in Preeclampsia. Current Opinion in Pharmacology. 2011; 11(2):175-792011


Bello L, Griffin A, Berry B, Spencer SK, Wallace K Indole is increased in response to AKI during2022
Uterine Fibroids - Why Aren't We Talking About Them? The Faseb Journal Volume 36, Issue S12022
Araji S, Kassahun-Yimer W, Griffin A, Dixon L, Lamarca B, Wallace K IL-17 and TNFalpha are increased in a rural population of women experiencing anxiety and depression during pregnancy FASEB J. 2021:35:S12022
Kelly K, Griffin A, Spencer SK, Berry B, Sivak A, Wallace K The relationship between Liver Indole production and Renal Injury during Pregnancy2022
Sivak A, Griffin A, Spencer SK, Berry B, Kelly K, Wallace K The Effects of Indoxyl Sulfate Administration during Pregnancy on Urinary Output2022
Moustafa A, Spencer SK, Bowles T, Griffin A, Wallace K Effects of pharmacologic interventions on hypertension attenuation and growth factors in animal model2022
Amaral L, McCray M, Evans K, Deer E, Herrock O, Ingram N, Wallace K, Turner T, Campbell N, Hogg J, Solise D,Reeves K, Lamarca B Progesterone prolongs time to delivery and attenuates blood pressure possibly by improving inflammation and endothelial function in response to preeclampsia2022
Spencer SK, Morris R, Herron M, Amaral L, Wallace K COVID-19 Increases Markers of Endothelial Damage in Normotensive Pregnant Women2022
Amaral L, McCray M, Evans K, Lawson F, Wallace K, Ibrahim T, Hogg J, Reeve K, Solise D, Herrock O, Campbell N, Turner TY, LaMarca B 17-OHPC reduces blood pressure, markers of inflammation and prolongs time to delivery during preeclampsia Am J. Obstet Gyn. 2022:s512.2022
Moustafa A, Perry A, Adams-Nelson I, Morris R, Rana S, Wallace K Postpartum Hypertension Education Improves Patient Hypertension Knowledge Am J Obstet Gyn 2022:S740.2022
Moustafa A, Billsby B, Araji S, Yimer W, Wallace K, Morris R COVID-19 increases preeclampsia susceptibility among women with pre-existing hypertension or diabetes Am J. Obstet Gyn. 2022:s160-1612022
Railey T, Griffin A, Solis L, Araji S, Spencer SK, Wallace K Secretion of IL-17 is localized to inflammatory cells from the brainstem among hypertensive pregnant rats2021
Deer E, Vaka V, McMaster K, Wallace K, Cornelius D, Amaral L, LaMarca B AT1-AAs cause vascular endothelial mitochondrial oxidative stress associated with preeclampsia FASEB J. 2021:35:S12021
Griffin A, Szczepanski J, Bowles T, Solis L, Robinson R, Spencer SK, Williams J, Wallace K Is there a role for Indoxyl Sulfate in contributing to impaired cognition and anxiety following a hypertensive pregnancy? FASEB J. 2021:35:S12021
Railey T, Griffin A, Solis L, Araji S, Spencer SK, Wallace K Secretion of IL-17 is localized to inflammatory cells from the brainstem among hypertensive pregnant rats. FASEB J. 2021:35:S12021
Griffin A, Solis L, Robinson R, Spencer SK, Wallace K Male and female offspring from HELLP, but not PreE, experimental dams experience greater delays in neurodevelopment FASEB J. 2021:35:S12021
Araji S, Reeve K, Wallace K, Morris R Is the HScore Predictive of mortality in obstetric patients admitted to the ICU with COVID-19? Am J Ob Gyn. 2021:224(2):S573-5742021
Robinson R, Bowles T, Solis L, Dumas JP, Spencer SK, Griffin A, Shaffery JP, Wallace K Post-partum anxiety and hypertension, but not chronic Neuroinflammation occurs in response to hypertensive pregnancies FASEB. 2020:34:S12020
Griffin A, Bowles T, Robinson R, Szczepanski J, Spencer SK, Williams JM, Shaffery J, Wallace K Acute kidney injury during pregnancy leads to memory impairment but not anxiety in rats with a history of severe preeclampsia/HELLP syndrome FASEB. 2020:34:S12020
Robinson R, Post-partum Anxiety and Hypertension, but not Chronic Neuroinflammation Occur in Response to Hypertensive Pregnancies2020
Szczepanski J, Dixon S, Bowles T, Robinson R, Spencer SK, Wallace K Acute kidney injury during pregnancy and pup sensorimotor development AJOG. 2020:222(1):S445-S4462020
Araji S, Bowles T, Dumas JP, Spencer SK, Szczepanski J, Railey T, Robinson R Regional Neuroinflammation in response to hypertension in animal models of preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome AJOG. 2020:222(1):S1072020
Szczepanski J, Spencer SK, Griffin A, Bowles T, Wallace K Long-term consequences of acute kidney injury during pregnancy FASEB J. 2019:33(1).2019
Szczepanski J, Spencer SK, Griffin A, Dixon S, Araji S, Wallace K. Does Acute Kidney Injury in pregnancy exacerbate maternal brain injury? AJOG. 2019; 220(1):S298-2992019
Bowles T, Dixon S, Szczepanski J, Spencer SK, Wallace K. Acute kidney injury during pregnancy decreases pup size and sensorimotor development. FASEB Journal. 2019; 33(1)2019
Szczepanski J, Spencer SK, Griffin A, Bowles T, Wallace K. Long-term consequences of acute kidney injury during pregnancy. FASEB Journal. 2019; 33(1)2019
Gibbens J, Spencer SK, Bowles T, Kyle P, Bean C, Wallace K. Neutralization of Fas Ligand reduces placental inflammation and endothelial damage in an animal model of HELLP Syndrome. AJOG. 2018; 218:S812018
Wallace K, Szczepanski J, Spencer SK, Williams JM, Jayaram A, Novotny S. Acute Kidney Injury in Pregnancy and HELLP Syndrome. FASEB Journal. 2018; 32(1):lb3472018
Wallace K, Bowles T, Spencer SK, Bean C. T Cell Inhibition during Pregnancy Prevents Post-partum Anxiety-like Behavior in rats with a history of severe preeclampsia/HELLP Syndrome. FASEB Journal. 2018; 32(1):737.62018
Chukwuemeka E, Hinton S, Plenty NL, Diggs K. Wallace K. The incidence of preeclampsia in pregnant women with human immunodeficiency virus Mississippi Academy of Sciences. 2017; P6.312017
Randle W, Bean C, Spencer SK, Bowles T, Wallace K. Post-partum rats with HELLP Syndrome have hepatic inflammation and hypertension Mississippi Academy of Sciences. 2017; O11.052017
Bean C, Spencer SK, Bowles T, Kyle PB, Owens MY, Wallace K Evidence that perinatal hypertension and inflammation leads to chronic inflammation, hypertension and neurological changes in an animal model of HELLP Syndrome AJOG. 2017; 216(1):S5302017
Gibbens J, Spencer SK, Bowles T, Kyle PB, Morris R, Wallace K Anti-angiogenic imbalance during pregnancy: Is the Fas/FasL system a contributor? AJOG. 2017; 216(1):S546-547.2017
Barnes A, Wallace K, Spencer S, Bowles T. Hypertension in HELLP Syndrome is associated with increased reactive oxygen species. MAS. 2017; P2:042017
Shauna-Kay Spencer, Teylor Bowles, Cindy Bean, Michelle Y.Owens, Kedra Wallace. Post-partum hypertension and anxiety in an animal model of HELLP/Severe Preeclampsia. FASEB J. 2016; 30:1284.112016
Teylor Bowles, Leia Golden, Shauna-Kay Spencer, Michelle Y. Owens, Kedra Wallace. Angiogenic imbalance and hypertension during pregnancy results in intrauterine growth restriction and developmental delays in rodent off springs. FASEB J. 2016; 30:1212.32016
Cynthia Bean, Shauna-Kay Spencer, Michelle Y. Owens, Kedra Wallace. Interleukin-1beta is increased in the hippocampus and posterior cortex of rats with hypertension and systemic inflammation during pregnancy. AJOG. 2016; 214(1):s114.2016
Wallace K, Bowles T, Spencer SK, Bean C Hypertension and peripheral inflammation during pregnancy is associated with postpartum depression and anxiety-like behavior in rats Neuroscience Meeting Planner. 2015; 198.012015
Cornelius DC, Wallace K, Scott JD, Campbell N, Thomas A, Hogg JP, Moseley J, LaMarca B A role for TH17 cells and IL-17 in mediating the pathophysiology associated with preeclampsia Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women's Cardiovascular Health. 2015;5:17.2015
Morris R, Spencer SK, Chatman K, Kyle P, Moseley J, Wallace K Hypertension in an animal model of HELLP syndrome proceeds via activation of the Endothelin-1 system Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women's Cardiovascular Health. 2015; 5:16-17.2015
Harmon AC, Cornelius AC, Wallace K, Moseley J, Lamarca B Placental CD4+ T cells isolated from preeclamptic women cause preeclampsia-like symptoms in pregnant nude-athymic rats Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women's Cardiovascular Health. 2015; 5:162015
Erby L, Spencer SK, Bean C, Wallace K Hypertension during pregnancy is associated with neuroinflammation Mississippi Academy of Sciences. 2015;P6.80.2015
Campbell N, Castillo J, Cornelius DC, Porter J, Thomas A, Amaral L, Wallace K, Moseley J, Lamarca B T cell dependent B cell activation plays a role in mediating hypertension and pathophysiology in response to CD4+ T cells from reduced uterine perfusion pregnant rats Mississippi Academy of Sciences. 2015;P6:73.2015
Bowles T, Morris R, Mathis K, Wallace K Rats with hypertension, hemolysis elevated liver enzymes and low platelets (HELLP) have increased placental and FasL levels Mississippi Academy of Sciences. 2015; P6.56.2015
Spencer SK, Morris R, Kyle PB, Wallace K Hypertension and endothelin-1 in an animal model of HELLP syndrome Mississippi Academy of Sciences. 2015; P6.372015
Lee N, Spencer SK, Lamarca B, Wallace K, Murphy S. Alterations in placental eicosanoids contribute to impaired vascular remodeling in preeclampsia American Journal of Obstet Gynecol. 2015; 212:S341.2015
Morris R, Pabbidi M, Spencer SK, Tremble S, Cipolla M, Wallace K. Blockade of endothelin-1 attenuates cerebral impairment in an animal model of HELLP Syndrome. American Journal of Obstet Gynecol. 2015; 212:S341.2015
Cynthia Bean, Teylor Bowles, Shauna-Kay Spencer, Michelle Y. Owens, Kedra Wallace. Perinatal hypertension and peripheral inflammation is associated with neuroinflammation and anxiety-like behavior in rats during the post-partum period Hypertension in Pregnancy 2015:xx:xx.2015
Cornelius D, Wallace K, Amaral L, Scott J, Campbell N, Thomas A, Moseley J, LaMarca B. Placental ischemia-induced Th17 cells mediate the pathophysiology associated with preeclampsia. FASEB Journal. 2015; P6.802015
Wallace K, Spencer SK, Kyle P, Moseley J, Morris R. Blockade of ETA Receptor in an animal model of HELLP Syndrome. FASEB Journal. 2015; 29.968.232015
Wallace K, Chatman K, Spencer SK, Johnson V, Lamarca B Endothelin regulation of CYR61 in uterine leiomyomas Fertility & Sterility. 2014; 102:e106.2014
Wallace K, Tremble S, Pabbidi MR, Morris R, Spencer SK, Cipolla M Hypertension during pregnancy is associated with cerebral damage in an animal model of severe preeclampsia Hypertension. 2014;64:A4162014
Wallace K, Mathis K, Bowles T, Spencer SK, Morris R. Rats with hypertension, hemolysis and low platelets (HELLP) have increased placental and circulating FASL FASEB J. 2014; 28:LB713.2014
Cornelius DC, Wallace K, Harmon A, Paige A, Moseley J, Lamarca B Normal pregnant T regs inhibit pathophysiology associated with hypertension in response to reduced uterine perfusion pressure in pregnant rats FASEB J. 2014; 28:860.182014
Amaral L, Kipprono L, Wallace K, Frazier K, Moseley J, Martin Jr JN, Lamarca B Progesterone supplementation improves blood pressure and uterine artery resistance and hypoxia-stimulated placental cytokines during pregnancy FASEB J. 2014; 28:860.162014
Scott J, Wallace K, Cornelius D, Amaral L, Moseley J, Chatman K, Lamarca B Oxidative stress signaling in response to CD4+ T cells stimulated via placental ischemia play an important role in hypertension during pregnancy FASEB J. 2014; 28:860.142014
Wallace K, Morris R, Chatman K, Moseley J, Lamacra B HELLP Syndrome, Hypertension and Multi-organ endothelin-1 activation Reproductive Sciences. 2014;21:68A2014
Darby M, Wallace K, Chatman K, Porter J, Moseley J, Heath J, Martin Jr JN, Purser C, Baker R, Owens MY, Lamarca B Vitamin D supplementation decreased blood pressure in a model of chronic hypertension during pregnancy American Journal of Obstet Gynecol. 2014; 210:S166.2014
Wallace K, Chatman K, Matthews G, Johnson V, Lamarca B Blockade of the Endothelin A receptor prevents hypoxia induced smooth muscle cell proliferation and endothelin secretion in patients with uterine leiomyomas Fertility & Sterility. 2013;100(35):S332013
Wallace K, Morris R, Chatman K, Moseley J, Lamarca B Hypertension in Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzyme, Low Platelet syndrome is associated with increased endothelin-1 Hypertension. 2013;62:A2792013
Cornelius DC, Hogg JP, Wallace K, Moseley J, Lamarca B Blunting circulating TH17 cells decreases hypertension and oxidative stress in response to placental ischemia FASEB J. 2013;27:1115.42013
Wallace K, Morris R, Moseley J, Evans S, Lamarca B Cerebral white matter CD4+ T cell infiltration is associated with hypertension in a rat model of HELLP Syndrome FASEB J. 2013;27:691.122013
Mathis K, Wallace K, Lamarca B, Ryan MJ Humoral immune system activation promotes the development of hypertension FASEB J. 2013;27:906.42013
Wallace K, Darby M, Kyle P, Morris R, Moseley J, Frazier K, Lamarca B Hypertension in a rat model of HELLP Syndrome is associated with increased TNF-alpha, IL-6 and CD4+ T cell activation FASEB J. 2013;27:1115.72013
Amaral LM, Cornelius D, Wallace K, Lipprono L, Moseley J, Herse F, Wallukat G, Martin Jr. JN, Dechend R, LaMarca B Progesterone supplementation attenuates hypertension and AT1-AA in response to elevated IL-6 during pregnancy Hypertension. 2013;62:A542.2013
Cornelius D, Wallace K, Moseley J, LaMarca B Reduced uterine perfusion pressure stimulated T-helper 17 cells cause hypertension during pregnancy Hypertension. 2013; 62:A272.2013
Moulana M, Wallace K, Hosick K, Lamara B, Reckelhoff J Renal infiltration of T lymphocytes in a rat model of polycystic ovary syndrome FASEB J. 2013:27:1b8942013
Wallace K, Frazier K, Johnson V, Scott J, LaMarca B Angiotensin type 1 receptor blockade blunts in vitro uterine leiomyoma proliferation and endothelin-1 secretion: linking uterine fibroids with pre-hypertension in premenopausal patients Reproductive Sciences. 2013;20(3):110A2013
Brewer JM, Wallace K, Herse F, Moseley J, Dechend R, Wallukat G, Martin Jr JN, LaMarca B AT1-AA enhances AngII induced hypertension and renal vascular sensitivity Reproductive Sciences. 2013;(20)3:116A2013
Hogg JP, Cornelius D, Wallace K, Moseley J, LaMarca B Infusion of IL-17 blocking protein blunts hypertension and oxidative stress in response to placental ischemia Reproductive Sciences. 2013;20(3):313A2013
Darby M, Wallace K, Moseley J, Heath J, Martin Jr JN, Purser C, Baker R, Owens MY, Lamarca B Pregnancy complicated by chronic hypertension: A state of Vitamin D deficiency and immune activation Reproductive Sciences. 2013;20(3):261A2013
Kiprono L, Frazier K, Wallace K, Moseley J, Wester M, Scott J, Martin J, Lamarca B More Evidence Suggestive of Preeclampsia as a State of Progesterone Deficiency: Progesterone Suppresses Hypoxia-Stimulated Production of TNF-α, IL-6, IL-17, and sFlt-1 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2013;208(1):S2702013
Brewer J, Wallace K, Liu R, Herse F, Moseley J, Wallukat G, Dechend R, Martin Jr JN, Lamarca B Preeclampsia-associated renal and vascular sensitivity are caused by interactions among AT1-AA, endogenous AngII and the AngII type 1 receptor American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2013; 208(1):S2682013
Darby M, Wallace K, Moseley J, Heath J, Martin Jr J, Purser C, Baker R, Owens M, LaMarca B Pregnancy complicated by chronic hypertension: a state of vitamin D deficiency and immune activation American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2013; 208(1):S2712013
Wallace K, Scott J, Novotny S, Heath J, Moseley J, LaMarca B Placental ischemic stimulated CD4+ T helper cells increase blood pressure and placental and renal oxidative stress during pregnancy FASEB Journal. 2012;26.879.72012
Novotny S, Wallace K, Dhillon P, Moseley J, Heath J, Martin JN Jr., LaMarca B Blockade of CD4+ T cells prior to placental insult, attenuates hypertension and placental sflt-1 in response to placental ischemia Reproductive Sciences. 2012;19(3)87A2012
Wallace K, Porter J, Turnage E, Frazier K, Johnson V, LaMarca B Hypoxia stimulates endothelin-1 secretion from human myometrium explants; A potential link between hypertension and development of uterine leiomyomas Reproductive Sciences. 2012;19(3)162A2012
Dhillon P, Scott J, Wallace K, Heath J, Moseley J, Martin JN Jr., Wallukat G, Dechend R, LaMarca B IL-17 mediated oxidative stress is an important stimulator of AT1-AA and hypertension during pregnancy Reproductive Sciences.2012;19(3)391A2012
Brewer J, Liu R, Wallace K, Herse F, Moseley J, Dechend R, Wallukat G, Martin JN Jr., LaMarca, B AT1-AA enhances renal sensitivity and blood pressure in response to AngII during pregnancy Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2012; 206 (1): S3422012
Novotny S, Wallace K, Dhillon P, Moseley J, Heath J, Martin JN Jr., LaMarca B Blockade of CD4+ T cells prior to placental insult, attenuates hypertension in response to placental ischemia Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2012; 206 (1): S112.2012
Dhillon P, Scott J, Wallace K, Heath J, Moseley J, Martin JN Jr., LaMarca B Placental oxidative stress is an important mediator of IL-17 induced hypertension during pregnancy Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2012; 206 (1): S349.2012
Fisteag-Kiprono L, Wallace K, Keiser S, Veillion E, Moseley J, Heath J, Martin JN Jr., LaMarca B Progesterone, 17-alpha Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate suppress Endothelin-1 and hypertension in response to placental ischemia Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2012; 206 (1): S3472012
Moulana M, Wallace K, Lima R, Zhang H, Mathbout MF, LaMarca B, Reckelhoff JF. Sex differences in response to chronic administration of Tacrolimus in spontaneously hypertensive rats. The FASEB Journal. 2012; 26:IB8372012
Mathis K, Wallace K, Wasson KL, Masterson C, LaMarca B, Ryan MJR. T cells promote the progression of hypertension and renal injury during systemic lupus erythematosus. Hypertension. 2012; 60:A1762012
Wallace K, Darby, Kyle P, Scott J, Moseley J, Brewer J, Owens M, LaMarca B. Hypertension in a rat model of HELLP Syndrome is associated with T helper 1 type immune activation. Hypertension. 2012; 60:A1762012
LaMarca B, Brewer J, Wallace K, Moseley J, Herse F, Dechend R Increased blood pressure sensitivity to angiotensin II in pregnant rats pretreated with agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor FASEB Journal. 2011; 25:822.132011
Wallace K, Dhillon P, Richards S, Weimer A, Martin JN Jr., LaMarca B Interleukin 17 increases blood pressure during pregnancy: a link between autoimmunity and preeclampsia? FASEB Journal. 2011; 25:1030.10.2011
Wallace K, Richards S, Weimer A, Dhillon P, Wallukat G, Wenzel K, Martin JN Jr., Dechend R, LaMarca B T Lymphocyte induced AT1-AAs cause hypertension in response to placental ischemia FASEB Journal. 2011; 25:1030.112011
Wallace K, Turnage E, Ray L, Cowan B, LaMarca B Hypertension and Endothelin-1 are associated with uterine leiomyoma proliferation Reproductive Sciences.2011;18(3)S98A2011
Dhillon P, Wallace K, Richards S, Weimer A, Martin JN Jr., LaMarca B Interleukin 17 increases blood pressure during pregnancy: a link between autoimmunity and preeclampsia? Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2011;204(1) S308.2011
Richards S, Wallace K, Weimer A, Dhillon P, Wallukat S, Wenzel K, Martin JN Jr., Dechend R, LaMarca B T Lymphocyte induced AT1-AAs cause hypertension in response to placental ischemia Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2011; 204(1) S1002011
LaMarca B, Brewer J, Wallace K, Herse F, Moseley J, Dechend R, Wallukat G Agonistic Autoantibodies to the Angiotensin II Type I Receptor enhance blood pressure and renal vascular sensitivity to Angiotensin II in pregnant rats Hypertension. 2011;57.e712011
Brewer J, Wallace K, Roberts L, Ray L, Martin JN Jr., LaMarca B, Wallukat G, Dechend R AT1-AA increases AngII-induced ET-1 and ROS Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2011;204(1) S300.2011
Wallace K, Richards S, Heath J, Moseley J, Martin JN Jr., LaMarca B Hypertension in response to placental ischemic stimulated CD4+ T Helper cells proceeds via Activation of the Endothelin-1 System. Hypertension. 2011;57:e1012011
Wallace K, Herse F, Wallukat G, Weimer A, Dechend R, Martin Jr JN, LaMarca B. Agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor (AT1-AA) mediate endothelial dysfunction associated with hypertension in response to placental ischemia during pregnancy. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2011;204:S1002011
Hines R, Wallace K, Sopelak V Letrozole vs Clomiphene Citrate: Effects on Endometrial Gene Expression Reproductive Sciences. 2010;17(3) S244A2010
LaMarca B, Wallace K, Herse F, Wallukat G, WeimerA, Martin JN Jr., Dechend R Placental Ischemia During Pregnancy: Role of Agonistic Autoantibodies to the Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor (AT1-AA) Hypertension. 2010;56:e502010
Wallace K, Rutland S, Tam Tam K, Weimer A, Martin JN Jr., LaMarca B Placental ischemia triggers immune activation a leukocyte overproduction of Sflt-1: A step in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia? FASEB Journal. 2010;24:793.12.2010
Frazier K, Wallace K, LaMarca B Progesterone inhibits trophoblast TNF-alpha production FASEB Journal. 2010; 24:793.132010
Hines R, Wallace K, Sopelak V. Letrozole vs Clomiphene Citrate: Effects on Endometrial Gene Expression. Reproductive Sciences. 2010;17:S244A2010
Wallace K, Richards S, Weimer A, Martin Jr JN, LaMarca B. CD4+ T helper cells stimulated in response to placental ischemia mediate hypertension in pregnant rats. Hypertension. 2010;56:e502010
Tam Tam K, Wallace K, Mott K, Weimer A, Martin JN Jr., LaMarca B Placental ischemia triggers immune activation a leukocyte overproduction of Sflt-1: A step in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia? Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2009;201(6) S13.2009
Owens M, Martin J, Thigpen B, Parrish M, Keiser S, Wallace K. Mild Preeclampsia near Term: Deliver or Deliberate? The Prospective Randomized PreNaTe Trial. Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Annual Conference. 20092009
Wallace K, Turnage E, Ray L, Cowan B, LaMarca B. Proliferation of uterine fibroids in hypoxia is associated with increased endothelin-1. American Society for Reproductive Medicine. 20092009
Wallace K, Wells A, Bennett W African-Americans, Preeclampsia and future cardiovascular disease: Is Nitric Oxide the Missing Link? American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2008;199(6A) S2332008
Hall S, Bennett W, Branch F, Taylor M, Wallace K Does hypoxia influence inflammatory cytokines? Journal of Mississippi Academy of Sciences. 2008; 53(1) 82.2008
Wallace KL, Lopez J, Shaffer J, Paul IA , Bennett WA IL-10/ceftriaxone treatment of bacterial intrauterine infection prevents IL-1beta induced memory impairments 2007 Society for Neuroscience. Program No. 935.2. 2007 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. 20072007
Wallace K, Veerisetty S, Wyatt-Ashmead J, Miguel-Hidalgo J, Bennett J Intrauterine E.coli inoculation alters Purkinje cell morphology, tumor necrosis factor- and calbindin expression in the developing brain American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2006;196(6) S185.2006
Taylor MY, Bennett W, Wallace K, Morrison JC Locomotor and Neurobehavioral effects of Terbutaline in the Rat Model American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2006; 193(6) S63.2006
Briery CM, Rose CH, Wallace K, Martin JN Jr., Granger J, Bennett WA Progesterone prevents tumor necrosis factor- induced increases in blood pressure and thromboxane in a rat model of preeclampsia. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2006;193(6) S70.2006
Laye R, Wallace K, Rodts-Palenik S, Cushman J, Veerisetty S, Bennett W. Cervical Mucus and Serum Cytokine Levels in Gravid Patients with and without bacterial vaginosis (BV). American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2006; 196:S702006
Briery CM, Rose CH, Wallace K, Wyatt-Ashmead J, Morrison JC Progesterone therapy attenuates fetal brain cytokine levels and decreases infection-mediated white matter injury American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2005; 193(6). S17.2005
Taylor MY, Bennett WA, Wyatt-Ashmead J, Wallace KL, Morrison JC Terbutaline and neurotoxicity in the rat model American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2005; 193(6). S39.2005
Ohaegbulam G, Spencer SK, Morris R, Amaral L, Davis B, Herron M, Belk S, Wallace K Endothelin-1 is increased in response to COVID-19 in Normotensive Pregnant Women
Griffin A, Szczepanski J, Bowles T, Robinson R, Solis L, Spencer SK, Williams J, Shaffery J, Wallace K Rats with a History of Hypertension and Acute Kidney Injury during Pregnancy have Impaired Spatial Memory, Anxiety-Like Behavior, Evidence of Chronic Kidney Disease, and Hypertension in the Post-Partum Period

Book Chapter

Wallace K, Harris S, Bean C. The cerebral circulation during pregnancy and preeclampsia. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 20192019
Wallace K, Cipolla M "The Central Nervous System in HELLP Syndrome: Evidence for Impairment" in The 2015 Compendium for HELLP Syndrome: From Bench to Bedside Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge NY, 20152015

Editorial Commentary

Shimoura Caroline, Wallace Kedra, Mathis Kesia Editorial: Renal injury and the brain Front Med (Lausanne)2023
Cornelius DC, Wallace K. Autophagy in preeclampsia: A new target? EBioMedicine 2020:57:102864.2020


Poster Presentation, Uterine Fibroids- Why Arent We Talking About Them?, Experimental Biology, Philadelphia04/2022
Platform Presentations, UMMC Postdoctoral Office: Grant Opportunities for Young Faculty, UMMC03/2022
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, New Trends in Sex and Gender Medicine, Virtual10/2021
Panel Presentation, Picture a Scientist Film Discussion, APS04/2021
Diversity Speakers Seminar, Being in the Right Place at the Right Time and Other Nonsense, Univ. of North TX health Science Center, Virtual03/2021
Panel Presentations, Focus on Fibroids: Tools to Navigate Optimal Care, SWHR Uterine Fibroid Webinar03/2021
Panel Presentations, Supporting Women with Fibroids Through Policy Action, SWHR Congressional Briefing Panelist03/2021
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Bench to Bedside, Bedside to Bench... What does this really mean?, Medical Student Research Program, UMMC06/2019
Poster Presentation, Hypertension and Inflammation during Pregnancy Contributes to Blood Brain Barrier Disruption, Cerebral Vascular Biology, Miami, FL06/2019
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, A Neuroscientist Working in Obstetrics & Gynecology: The Art of Collaboration, Neuroscience Education Research Day, UMMC04/2019
Panel presentation, Sex Differences and Women’s Health Research, GWIMS Connect-Share-Advance Sessions, UMMC03/2019
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Acute Kidney Injury in HELLP Syndrome, Center for Excellence in Perinatal Research, UMMC02/2019
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Opportunities in Research, OB-GYN Resident's Research Symposium, UMMC05/2018
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, "T Cell Inhibition During Pregnancy Prevents Post-partum Anxiety-like Behavior in Rats with a History of Severe Preeclampsia/HELLP Syndrome", Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA04/2018
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, HELLP Syndrome: An Overview of Molecular and Neurobehavioral Changes, Cell and Molecular Biology Dept, UMMC01/2018
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "The Link Between High Risk Pregnancy and Post-partum Mental Health", Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience, Jackson, MS2017
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Hypertension and peripheral inflammation during pregnancy is associated with
neuroinflammation and anxiety-like behavior in rats, Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Long-term effects of HELLP Syndrome on Maternal Neuroinflammation
and cognition, Pharmacology Department, University of Mississippi Medical Center
Invited Symposia, Endothelin regulation of CYR61 in uterine leiomyomas, American Society of Reproductive Medicine, Honolulu, HI10/2014
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, HELLP Syndrome: Identifying Mediators and Treatment Options to Improve Quality of Care, Dept. of Physiology & Biophysics, Jackson, MS11/2013
Scientific Presentations, Blockade of the ETA receptor prevents hypoxia induced smooth muscle cell proliferation and ET-1 secretion in patients with uterine leiomyomas, American Society of Reproductive Biology, Boston, MA10/2013
Scientific Presentations, Angiotensin Type 1 Receptor (AT1R) blockade blunts in vitro Uterine Leiomyoma Proliferation and Endothelin-1 Secretion: Linking Uterine fibroids with Pre-hypertension in premenopausal patients, Society of Gynecological Investigation, Orlando, FL03/2013
Scientific Presentations, Hypertension in Response to Placental Ischemia Stimulated CD4+ T Helper cells is Accompanied by Reactive Oxygen Species Production, Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA04/2012
Poster Presentation, Hypoxia stimulates endothelin-1 secretion from human myometrium explants; A potential link between hypertension and development of uterine leiomyomas., Society of Gynecological Investigation, San Diego, CA03/2012
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, CD4+ T helper cells: A Link in the Pathophysiology of Preeclampsia, Department of Physiology, University of Mississippi Medical Center11/2011
Scientific Presentations, Hypertension in Response to Placental Ischemia Stimulated CD4+ T Helper cells Proceeds Via Activation of the Endothelin-1 System, Council of High Blood Pressure/Inter-American Society of Hypertension, Orlando, FL09/2011
Poster Presentation, A Role for Ethnic Disparity: Endothelin-1 secretion by human placentas from pregnancies complicated by Pre-eclampsia, APS Conference: Physiology of Cardiovascular Diseases: Gender Disparities, Jackson, MS08/2011
Scientific Presentations, Adoptive transfer of placental ischemia induced CD4+ T Lymphocyte stimulates AT1-AAs and cause hypertension during pregnancy, Experimental Biology, Washington DC04/2011
Poster Presentation, Interleukin 17 increases blood pressure during pregnancy: a link between autoimmunity and preeclampsia?, Experimental Biology, Washington, DC04/2011
Poster Presentation, Hypertension and Endothelin-1 are associated with uterine lieomyoma proliferation, Society of Gynecological Investigation, Miami,FL03/2011
Poster Presentation, CD4+ T helper cells stimulated in response to placental ischemia mediate hypertension in pregnant rats., Council for High Blood Pressure Research, Washington DC10/2010
Scientific Presentations, Detection of CD4+ T helper cells in the RUPP model of placental ischemia: a link in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia, 2010 APS Conference: Inflammation, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease., Westminister, CO09/2010
Poster Presentation, Placental ischemia triggers immune activation a leukocyte overproduction of Sflt-1: A step in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia?, Experimental Biology, Anaheim, CA04/2010

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Mid-Career Faculty Award, GWIMS2022
Article (#) selected as required reading for ABOG license recertification, ABOG2021
C-Change Mentoring and Leadership Institute Fellow, NIGMS2021
MCCTR Community Engagement Summer Research Institute, University of MS Medical Center2021
Gold Level Award for Reseach Ecellence, University of MS Medical Center2020
C-Change Mentoring and Leadership Institute Fellow, NIGMS2020
Silver Level Award for Research Excellence, University of MS Medical Center2019
BRAINS Affiliate Program, National Institue of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, division of National Institutes of Health2017
Bronze Level Award for Research Excellence, University of Mississippi Medical Center2016
Early Career Institute in Neuroscience Awardee, National Institue of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, division of National Institutes of Health2014
FASEB/MARC Travel Award, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology2014
Research Career Enhancement Award, American Physiological Society2013
Central Nervous System Research Recognition Award, American Physiological Society2013
SACNAS Leadership Institute Attendee, SACNAS2012
Horvath Professional Opportunity Award, American Physiological Society2012
International Society of Hypertension New Investigator Presentation Award, High Blood Pressure/Inter-American Society of Hypertension2011
New Investigator Travel Award, Council for High Blood Pressure Research Trainee Advocacy Committee2011
Juan Carlos Romero and Water and Electrolyte Homeostasis Section Postdoctoral Research Recognition Award Finalist, American Physiological Society Water and Electrolyte Homeostasis Section2011
APS/NIDDK Minority Travel Fellowship Award, American Physiological Society/ National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseases2011
Recognition Award as an AGEP Doctoral Scholar, Southern Regional Education Board2010
APS Travel Fellowship Award, American Physiological Society2010
APS/NIDDK Minority Travel Fellowship Award, American Physiological Society/ National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseases2010

Professional Membership and Service

American Physiological Society, Member, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Publications Advisory Board2022 - Present
Society of Reproductive Investigation2020 - Present
UMMC Department of OB-GYN Research Committee, Chair2018
Society of Biological Pyschiatry, Member2018 - Present
UMMC Department of OB-GYN Promotion and Tenure Comittee, Member2018 - Present
Society for Women's Health Research, Member, Estrogen-driven Conditions Roundtable2018 - Present
Central Nervous System (American Physiology Society), Steering Committee Member2017 - Present
Women in Physiology Committee (American Physiology Society), Member2017 - Present
UMMC Institutional Climate Committee, Member2017 - Present
Center for Developmental Disorders Research Internal Advisory Committee, Member2017 - Present
UMMC Clinical Investigation Curriculum Committee, Member2016 - 2018
UMMC Clinical Investigation Admissions Committee, Member2016 - 2018
UMMC Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellowship Program Clinical Competency Committee, Member2016 - Present
UMMC Graduate Student Alumni Board, Member2014 - 2017
UMMC Department of OB-GYN Research Committee, Member2014 - 2017
UMMC Center-Faculty Senate, Member2013 - 2016
Society of Reproductive Investigation, Member2012 - 2015
American Heart Association, Member2010 - 2016
American Physiological Society, Member2010 - Present
American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Member2009 - Present
Society for Neuroscience, Member2004 - 2018

Committee Service

Black in Physiology, Poster/Oral Presentation Judge2022 - Present
National Institutes of Health, NIDDK Innovative Science Accelerator Program Reviewer2022 - Present
National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Program, Fellowship Reviewer2022 - Present
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Excellence in Science Award Committee2022 - Present
American Society of Reproductive Medicine, New Investigator Grant Reviewer2022 - Present
American Physiological Society, Co-Chair2022 - Present
American Physiological Society, DEI Publications Advisory Board2022 - Present
Myrlie Evers-Williams Institute for the Elimination of Health Disparities, Scientific Advisory Board2021 - Present
Society for Women’s Health Research, Uterine Fibroid Education Working Group2021 - Present
American Physiological Society, Central Nervous System Steering Committee Secretary2021 - Present
American Physiological Society, Chair2021 - Present
Quality Enhancement Plan Steering Committee, Steering Comittee Member2020 - 2022
Society for Women’s Health Research, Member2020 - Present
National Institutes of Health, NHLBI Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Study Section2020 - Present
National Science Foundation, Panel Reviewer2020 - Present
SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, Member2019 - Present
2020 Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM, Abstract reviewer2019 - Present
Infant Care & Breastfeeding Accommodations, sub-committee for Women in Physiology Committee, Chair2019 - Present
National Academy of Science, Sub-committee for Women in Physiology Committee, Member2019 - Present
Central Nervous System Section Symposium, Chair2019 - 2019
Women In Physiology Comittee (American Physiology Society), Meeting Mentor2019 - Present
3-Day Mentoring Symposium on Recognizing and Responding to Implicit Biases in Science, Women in Physiology Committee, Co-Chair2018 - 2018
Increase Visibility of Female Physiologists, sub-committee of Women in Physiology Committee, Chair2018 - 2018
American Society of Reproductive Medicine, Abstract Reviewer2018 - Present
American Physiological Society, Steering Comittee Member2017 - 2020
American Physiological Society, Women in Physiology Committee2017 - 2019
Women in Physiology Committee: tum Suden/Hellebrandt Awards, Reviewer2017 - 2017
American Physiology Society: Bodil Schmidt-Neilson Award, Reviewer2017 - 2017
Myrlie Evers-Williams Institute for the Elimination of Health Disparities, Member2016 - Present
National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Program, Fellowship Reviewer2016 - 2018
American Physiology Society: Mentoring on the Go, Meeting Mentor2015 - Present
Water & Electrolyte Homeostasis: Mentoring on the Go (American Physiology Society), Meeting Mentor2015 - 2015
Myrlie Evers-Williams Institute for the Elimination of Health Disparities, Affiliate Member2014 - 2020
American Physiological Society, Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship reviewer2014 - 2018
American Physiology Society: Central Nervous System Section, New Investigator; Research Excellence Award Reviewer2014 - 2014
American Physiological Society of Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship, Reviewer Ad Hoc2014 - 2015
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Lead Judge for National Conference2013 - 2020
Annual Biomedical Conference for Minority Scientists, Annual Meeting Abstract Reviewer2012 - Present
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), Abstract Reviewer2011 - Present
American Society of Reproductive Medicine, Abstract Reviewer2011 - Present

Community Service

Bailey APAC Middle School, Career Day – “I am a Neuroscientist”03/2022 - 03/2022
MLM Enterprises, S.H.E. Project Volunteer2020 - Present
Upward Bound Math & Science Research Program, Research Lead08/2019 - Present
Murrah High School, Concession stand volunteer08/2019 - 05/2020
Murrah High School, Speech and Debate Judge08/2019 - 05/2020
Basepair High School Program, Mentor08/2018 - 05/2022
Murrah High School, State test Monitor08/2017 - 05/2019
Murrah High School Basketball Booster Club, Member08/2016 - 05/2020
Millsaps College Mentoring Committee, Mentor04/2016 - Present
Northwest Middle School, Middle School Science Fair Judge08/2015 - 05/2018
Casey Elementary PTA, Community Outreach Chair08/2015 - 05/2016
Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Program, Mentor05/2015 - Present
NIH R25, Mentor2015 - Present
Mississippi IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) Program, Mentor05/2009 - Present
Physiology Understanding Week, Physiology Demonstrator2011
Physiology Understanding Week, Physiology Demonstrator2013
Timberlawn Elementary School, Science Fair Judge2011

Other Service

Frontiers Reproductive Health: Gynecology - Special Topic Co-Editor “The impact of PCOS on cardiovascular and metabolic health”04/2022 - Present
SWHR Uterine Fibroid Toolkit: A Patient Empowerment Guide, Creating Patient toolkit for Uterine Fibroid decision Navigation11/2021 - 11/2021
SWHR Endometriosis Toolkit: A Patient Empowerment Guide, Creating Patient toolkit for Uterine Fibroid decision Navigation03/2021 - 03/2021
Frontiers Reproductive Health: Gynecology2021 - Present
Frontiers: Autonomic Neuroscience section, Review Editor07/2020 - Present
Physian Scientists Interest Day Q&A, Panel02/2020 - 02/2020
Frontiers in Medicine, Guest Editor03/2019 - Present
UMMC Associated Student Body Research Day, Judge2019 - 12/2019
Brain Sciences – Special Issue: “Regulation of Innate Immune Responses In the Brain”, Guest Editor10/2018 - Present
Special Issue: "Regulation of Innate Immune Responses in the Brain", Editorial Review Board Member10/2018 - 10/2018
BMC Women's Health, Editor07/2018 - 05/2022
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, Editor2018 - 05/2022
UMMC Medical Student Research Program, Poster Judge2017 - 12/2018
UMMC Program in Neuroscience Research Day, Poster Judge04/2016 - Present
National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship, Reviewer2016 - Present
IDeA Southeast Regional Conference, Poster Judge11/2015 - 11/2015
Mississippi Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Poster Judge02/2015 - 02/2015
UMMC Medical Student Research Program, Poster Judge05/2014 - 05/2014
Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM sponsored by AAAS, Poster Judge and Meeting Mentor02/2013 - Present
Annual biomedical research conference for minority students (ABRCMS), Reviewer11/2012 - Present
Annual biomedical research conference for minority students (ABRCMS) Annual Meeting, Judge11/2011 - 11/2011

Teaching Experience

MSCI 791-05, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Capstone Section 5Annual 2021
MSCI 755, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Special Investigations in Clinical ScienceAnnual 2021
MSCI 791-04, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Capstone Section 4Annual 2020
NSCI 708, Graduate, Small Group, Lecturer, Special Topics in NeuroscienceSummer 2019
NSCI 701, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Foundations of NeuroscienceSpring 2019
MSCI 732, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Clinical Trial ApplicationsSpring 2019
MSCI 742, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Introduction to Comparative Effectiveness ResearchSpring 2019
MSCI 741, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Mechanics of Ethics and Regulatory IssuesFall 2019
MSCI 791-02, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Capstone Section 2Annual 2019
MSCI 791-03, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Capstone Section 3Annual 2019
Graduate, Course, Course Director, Capstone Section 1Annual 2018
NSCI 708, Graduate, Small Group, Lecturer, Special Topics in NeuroscienceSummer 2015 - 2015
OB/GYN 661, Medicine, Course, Course Director, OB/GYN Research ElectiveFall 2014
NSCI 701, Graduate, Course, Section Leader/Organizer and Lecturer, Foundations of NeuroscienceFall 2013 - 2015
MFM 710, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Fundamental Research ToolsFall 2013 - 2018

Directed Student Learning

Supervised Research, Advised: Aurielle Fowler2022 - 2022
Supervised Research, Advised: Landon Bello2022 - 2022
Supervised Research, Advised: Assata Demyers2022 - 2022
Base Pair Program, Advised: Abigail Sivak2021 - 2022
Base Pair Program, Advised: Kiarah Kelly2021 - 2022
Research Advisor, Advised: Ivanna Adams-Nelson2021 - 2021
Supervised Research, Advised: Priscilla Saarah2021 - 2021
Supervised Research, Advised: Makenzie Heron2021 - 2021
Supervised Research, Advised: John Polk Dumas2020 - 2020
Supervised Research, Advised: Samer Beauti2020 - 2020
Capstone Committee Chair, Healthcare Provider viewpoints on contraception for the prevention of teenage pregnancy in Mississippi
Advised: Sheila Belk
2019 - 2021
Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair, The Role of Indoxyl Sulfate in Renal Injury and Neurovascular Dysfunction
Advised: Ashley Griffin
2019 - Present
Supervised Research, Advised: Teryn Rainey2019 - 2019
Supervised Research, Advised: William Schramm2019 - 2019
Supervised Research, Advised: Ashley Griffin2018 - 2018
Supervised Research, Advised: Selena Dixon2018 - 2019
Supervised Research, Advised: Alexis Brookins2017 - 2017
Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Advised: Allison Barnes2016 - 2017
Supervised Research, Advised: Allison Barnes2016 - 2016
Research Advisor, Advised: Edna Chukwuemeka2016 - 2016
Supervised Research, Advised: Wisdom Randle2016 - 2016
Supervised Research, Advised: Allison Barnes2015 - 2015
Supervised Research, Advised: Cecil Hill2015 - 2015
Supervised Research, Advised: Shenequa Wilson2015 - 2015
Supervised Research, Advised: Joshua Campbell2015 - 2015
Supervised Research, Advised: Lauren Erby2014 - 2014
Supervised Research, Advised: Al'Shondra Harris2013 - 2015
Supervised Research, Advised: Cornelia Green2013 - 2013
Supervised Research, Advised: Teylor Bowles2013 - 2013
Directed Individual/Independent Study, Advised: Gabrielle Matthews2013 - 2013
Supervised Research, Advised: Bianca Key2012 - 2012
Supervised Research, Advised: Teryn Bowles2012 - 2012
Supervised Research, Advised: Jocelyn Williams
Supervised Research, Advised: Leandrea Clay
Supervised Research, Advised: Justin T
Supervised Research, Advised: Evan T
Supervised Research, Advised: Sakeli Hall
Supervised Research, Advised: Fran B
Supervised Research, Advised: Krystal Chatman
Supervised Research, Advised: Jeremy Scott

Fellows supervised

MFM Research, Research Advisor, 1 fellows supervised, MFM Thesis Research07/2022 - Present
MFM Fellowship Program, Training Faculty, 1 fellows supervised, Clinical Research07/2022 - Present
MFM Research, Training Faculty, 1 fellows supervised, Clinical Research07/2021 - Present
Maternal-Fetal-Medicine-Fellowship, Research Advisor, 1 fellows supervised, MFM Thesis Research07/2021 - Present
MFM Research Program, Training Faculty, 1 fellows supervised, Clinical Research07/2020 - Present
MFM Research Program, Research Advisor, 1 fellows supervised, MFM Thesis Research07/2020 - Present
MFM Program, Training Faculty, 1 fellows supervised, Clinical Research07/2019 - 05/2022
MFM Fellowship Program, Training Faculty, 1 fellows supervised, Clinical research07/2018 - 05/2021
Maternal-Fetal-Medicine Fellowship, Research Advisor, 1 fellows supervised, MFM Thesis Research07/2018 - 05/2021
MFM Fellowship Program, Training Faculty, 1 fellows supervised, Clinical Research07/2017 - 05/2020
Maternal-Fetal-Medicine Fellowship, Research Advisor, 1 fellows supervised, MFM Research Thesis07/2017 - 05/2020
MFM Fellowship Program, Training Faculty, 1 fellows supervised, Clinical Research07/2016 - 05/2019
MFM Fellowship Program, Training Faculty, 1 fellows supervised, Clinical Research07/2015 - 06/2018
Maternal-Fetal-Medicine Fellowship, Research Advisor, 1 fellows supervised, MFM Research Thesis07/2015 - 06/2018
Maternal-Fetal-Medicine Fellowship, Research Advisor, 1 fellows supervised, MFM Research Thesis08/2014 - 06/2017
MFM Fellowship Program, Training Faculty, 1 fellows supervised, Clinical Research07/2014 - 06/2017
MFM Fellowship Program, Training Faculty, 1 fellows supervised, Clinical Research07/2013 - 06/2016
MFM Fellowship Program, Training Faculty, 1 fellows supervised, Clinical Research07/2013 - 06/2016
MFM Fellowship Program, Training Faculty, 1 fellows supervised, Clinical Research07/2012 - 06/2015
Maternal-Fetal-Medicine Fellowship, Research Advisor, 1 fellows supervised, MFM Research Thesis07/2012 - 06/2015

Residency Training

OB-GYN Residency Program, Subspecialty/Activity Director2016 - Present
OB-GYN Residency Program, Research Advisor2014 - Present
OB-GYN Resideny Program, Research Advisor