Carl G. Evers, MD, Society

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Carl G. Evers, MD, Society

The Carl G. Evers, MD, Society was established as an honorary and service organization. It is composed of medical students from all four years, each elected by the members of his/her class.

everssocietylogo_front.jpgThe organization seeks to improve medical education at UMMC primarily through the evaluation of course work required in the preclinical and clinical years of medical school. We author, distribute and collect evaluations for each course, maintaining strict anonymity and confidentiality of all materials.

Evaluation reports are prepared by society members and presented to the course coordinators and department chairs. The reports give a summary of the strengths and weaknesses found in the evaluations along with a summary of comments made about the course and its professors.

It is our hope that these reports will be used to strengthen and improve our curriculum for the benefit of all students and faculty.