Doctors and pharmacists on infectious disease unit.
In a laboratory, two seated technicians look through microscopes as another technician looks on.
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Division of Infectious Diseases

Click image for the latest news from the Division of Infectious Diseases
Click image for the latest news from the Division of Infectious Diseases

The UMMC Department of Medicine's Division of Infectious Diseases (ID) boasts a diverse group of faculty with interests in a wide variety of disciplines in infectious diseases and excels in UMMC's core missions of patient care, education and research.

The division offers clinical services across UMMC's hospitals and clinics system. Our ID faculty provide subspecialty infectious disease inpatient consultation along with outpatient care for a variety of chronic infectious syndromes, including HIV, sexually transmitted infections, chronic viral hepatitis, mycobacterial infections, bone infections, and infections in foreign travelers. Our ID clinicians also deliver public health service with the Mississippi State Department of Health in tuberculosis control and HIV/STD care.

In addition to direct patient care, members of our division lead campus-wide patient safety and quality initiatives, from improving hand hygiene practices to hospital epidemiology/infection prevention and antimicrobial stewardship. The stewardship program began in 2012 and has developed a culture of smart antibiotic prescribing practices throughout the UMMC system. Under the guidance of UMMC's infectious diseases physicians, UMMC has been named an Antimicrobial Stewardship Center of Excellence by the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

Our division runs the state's largest HIV clinic, a comprehensive Ryan White clinic with clinical outcomes that exceed the national average for linkage, retention, and virologic suppression. The division also cultivates a robust research infrastructure in HIV and sexually transmitted infections, developing our understanding of HIV/STD infection and prevention in underrepresented populations.

Welcome from Our Division Director

On behalf of our faculty, fellows and staff, I am pleased to welcome you to the Division of Infectious Diseases at University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC). We are continually growing, recruiting faculty and fellows, students and staff. Or perhaps you would like to make a donation to our ID educational fund? Regardless of why you are here, you are welcome! And remember, there is always room for more laborers in the field, especially when the harvest is upon us and the crop so precious.

Dr. Parham
-Svenja Albrecht, MD, MPH; Infectious Diseases Faculty

"We have great faculty and a family-like culture that I really appreciate, but above and beyond it is our trainees. The education and teaching opportunities for faculty are fantastic at UMMC. I also appreciate our patient population and the diversity of pathology and challenges that keep me on my toes."

-Svenja Albrecht, MD, MPH
Infectious Diseases Faculty