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Main Content
Snapshot Facts 2022-2023 Image Long Description
The infographic is a random placement of icons with facts written next to them to show accomplishments by the School of Medicine during the 2022-2023 academic year.
- Icon of two students holding hands next to this text: 654 current students
- Map of the state of Mississippi with county boundaries next to this text: 37 counties represented by the 2022 matriculants
- Icon of row of books falling like dominoes next to this text: 6 books by individual faculty
- Icon of teacher pointing to graphs on a chart next to this text: 818 faculty with primary appointments in SOM
- Icon of open book with pencil pointing to right side next to this text: 46 book chapters by individual faculty
- Icon of doctor with stethoscope next to this text: 143 fellows in GME
- icon person sitting at a desk on the phone next to this text: 22 departments
- Icon of one person cheering next to person holding a sheet of paper next to this text: 7 patents
- Icon of smiling doctor holding up clipboard with speech balloon of hospital cross symbol next to this text: 100% match rate for 2023
- Icon of doctor’s bag next to this text: 52 fellowship programs
- Icon of two cheering graduates throwing up their caps next to this text: 165 2022-23 graduates
- Icon of person reading a book next to this text: 296 summer program participants
- Icon of doctor holding his bag next to this text: 94 completed rural rotations
- Icon of two people having a discussion at a table next to this text: 1,162 peer-reviewed journal articles by individual faculty
- Icon of two cheering graduates throwing up their caps next to this text: 6,907 graduates from SOM (1957-2023)
- Icon of doctor with a stethoscope on the back of a seated patient with this text: 22 residency programs
- Icon of three people, each above a hospital cross symbol, with this text: 554 residents in GME
Title at bottom left: Snapshot Facts
Sentence below title: Data provided is for the 2022-23 academic year unless noted otherwise.
UMMC School of Medicine logo at bottom right.