UMMC staff receive service recognition
Published on Monday, September 12, 2022
Medical Center leadership is proud to acknowledge those employees who will celebrate service anniversaries during the week of September 12 - 18.
25 Years
Nina Snell, Research Teaching Coordinator, SOM-Microbiology & Immunology
Inge Knight, Instructor, SOD-Care Plan & Restor Scien
20 Years
Brenda Fortenberry, Manager-Operations (IAS), SER-Div of Physical Facilities
Sonia Jenkins, RN-Utilization Review Remote (PSS), Coordinated Care-UH
Rowshan Begum, Researcher III, SOM-Neurology
Ashley Seawright, Executive Director, SOM-Surgery-Transplant
Jennifer Oubre, RN II (UA), UP Int Med-Administration
Stephanie Walker, Administrative Assistant II (AAS), SOM-Surgery-Plastic
John Salters, Biomed Engineering Tech II (SS), Dialysis-Administration
Kelley Bishop, Associate Professor, SOM-Family Medicine
Youssef Al Hmada, Associate Professor, SOM-Pathology
Loriann Bass, Sponsored Program Admin II, SOM-Medicine-ID
Brandon Hardimon, Patient Financial Services Coordinator I (SS), Int Access-Fin Counseling
5 Years
Anastasia Smith-McEwen, Sr Tobacco Treatment Counselor, SOM-Otolaryngology – Head/Neck Surgery
Leanne Brown, Hospital Coder III Remote (SS), Coding
Lakeia Harris, Physician Scheduler III – Remote, BCH-Pediatric Scheduling
Heather Couch, RN I-Critical Care (UH), CCH-Neuro Science ICU
Margaret Smith, RN-Clinical Research, SOM-Neurology
Amanda Rainer, Physician Scheduler III (UA), UP Ophth-Support Services
Loretta Easley, Dir-Revenue Cycle Training Development (SS), Int Access-Exec Leadership
Richard Tyler, Enterprise Access Engineer-Int, SER-DIS-Core
Kelsey Lockhart, Executive Assistant (AAS), SOM-Office Medical Education
1 Year
Karen Ross, Social Worker II (CS), Oncology Clinic-Cancer Ctr
Anna Grace Dillard, RN I-Critical Care (UH), CCH-Surgical ICU
Taylor Hill, RN I-PRN-Holmes Co (HH), Emergency Dept
Heather Bell, RN I-PRN-Health System (UH), Emergency Dept-UH
Kimberlee Daniels, COO-Adult Hospitals (UE), UH-Executive Leadership
Danielle Brown, Professional Coder II Remote (SS), UPA-Charge Entry
Brittany Harrison, LPN-Ambulatory (CA), UP Peds-Hattiesburg
Torri Fatemi, Certified Medical Asst (UA), UP Fam Med-Flowood
Miranda Emodogo, Physician Scheduler III (CA), BCH-Pediatric Scheduling
Sherry Crain, Milk Lab Technician (CH), Milk Depot-BCH
Asia Cox, RN I-PRN (GH), GMC-Critical Care Unit
Ka'Briana Kirk, Customer Care Rep (UA), UP Int Med-Lakeland HyperTN
Paula Parker, Unit Secretary (UH), CCH-2 Micu
Courtney Baggett, Safety Screener and Greeter(SS), Patient Experience
Addie Ford-Blanche, RN I-Inpatient 7P-7A (GH), GMC-Emergency
Kandria Green, RN I-PRN-Health System (UH), UH-7 East-Med Psych
Jordan Veal, RN I-Inpatient Adult ED (UH), Emergency Dept-UH
Adrianna Oliver, Monitor Technician (UH), Nurses-Monitor Technicians