LGBTQ health center session, Population Health ribbon-cutting on event horizon
Published on Monday, October 28, 2019
Several interesting events are scheduled for the upcoming weeks at the Medical Center.
Thursday, Oct. 31
LGBTQ health center to host lunch and learn session
The Center for LGBTQ Health will host a lunch and learn session at noon on Thursday, Oct. 31, in classroom R153 (lower amphitheatre).
Topics will include information about the Trustworthy, Evidence-based, Affirming and Multidisciplinary (TEAM) Care Clinic and the basics of providing culturally sensitive care.
Lunch will be available to the first 100 in attendance. For more information, email Reid Black at jrblack@umc.edu.
Tuesday, Nov. 5
Population Health to host ribbon-cutting, open house, food drive

The John D. Bower School of Population Health will host a ribbon-cutting, holiday open house and food drive from 10:30 a.m.-noon on Tuesday, Nov. 5, in the second-floor lobby of the Translational Research Center.
Following the ribbon-cutting, tours of the school will be offered. Guests are invited to help the school's faculty and staff celebrate Thanksgiving by bringing non-perishable food items for donation to the EversCare Food Pantry.
Refreshments will be available. For more information, call Alana Bowman at 5-3853 or email abowman@umc.edu.
Wednesday, Nov. 6
Genentech reps to participate in CCRI collaborative meeting
The UMMC Cancer Center and Research Institute will host clinical and translational collaboration meetings with Genentech representatives from 12:30-1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 6, in the Guyton Research Center Conference Room (G451).
Dr. Shou-Ching Tang, associate director for clinical and translational research, will host Genetech medical science liaisons Brannon Flores, hematology; Stacey Douglas, lung, GU and dermatology; and Dawn M. Stults, breast, GI and gynecologic.
Lunch will be available for the first 20 attendees. Call Susan Roberts at 5-6802 for WebEx dial-in information.
Friday, Nov. 8
S. Carolina Greenville faculty to tout equal pay for equal work

Dr. Kacey Eichelberger of the South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville/Prisma Health-Upstate, will give the UMMC Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Grand Rounds presentation, "Equal Pay for Equal Work in Academic Medicine: A Primer for Those Who Care," from 7-7:50 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 8, in room CW106 of the Classroom Wing.
For more information, email Kimberly Brookins at kbrookins@umc.edu.
Tuesday, Nov. 12
Six Dimensions CEO to facilitate ODI's InclUsive Conversation

Dr. Nakeitra Burse, owner and chief executive officer of Six Dimensions, LLC, will give the UMMC Office of Diversity and Inclusion's "inclUsive conversation" from noon-1 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 12, in second-floor conference rooms C and D in the student union,
Lunch will be available on a first-come basis. For more information, email Shirley Pandolfi at spandolfi@umc.edu.
GWIMS to host Connect-Share-Advance session

The UMMC Group on Women in Medicine and Science will host a Connect-Share-Advance session, "Sex Differences and Women's Health Research," from noon-1 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 12, in classroom R153.
For more information, email Lauren Corby at lcorby@umc.edu.
Critical Care Department to host coffee talk session
The Critical Care Department will host a Coffee Talk - a roundtable interactive presentation, workshop and interview of critical care-related topics, at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 12, in room X404 in the Neuro ICU.
For more information, email Jorge Castaneda at jcastaneda@umc.edu.
Wednesday, Nov. 20
Faculty affairs chief to host chat over coffee

Dr. Patrick Smith, chief faculty affairs officer and associate dean for faculty affairs, will discuss current events, points of pride and barriers experienced by staff with 12 selected UMMC employees during the 100-Day Workout Diversity and Respect Team's Coffee Talk event at noon on Wednesday, Nov. 20, in the perioperative conference room.
For more information, email coffee-talk@umc.edu.
Wednesday, Dec. 11
Diversity chief, HR chief to host coffee talk
Dr. Juanyce Taylor, chief diversity and inclusion officer, and Cathy Smith, UHHS chief human resources officer, will host a 100-Day Workout Diversity and Respect Team Coffee Talk program for a select group of 12 employees to discuss current events, points of pride and barriers experienced by staff at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 11, in the overflow dining room.
For more information, email coffee-talk@umc.edu.
Thursday, Dec. 12
Sipp Culture founder to present InclUsive Conversation
Carlton Tucker, founder of Mississippi Center Cultural Production (Sipp Culture), will give the UMMC Office of Diversity and Inclusion's "InclUsive Conversation" at noon on Thursday, Dec. 12, in the student union's second-floor conference center.
Tucker will discuss how the arts intersect with social justice and the needs of rural communities. For more information, email Shirley Pandolfi at spandolfi@umc.edu.
Wednesday, Feb. 19
UM population studies leader to give InclUsive Conversation

Dr. John Green, leader of the Center for Population Studies and the State Data Center of Mississippi at the University of Mississippi, will give the UMMC Office of Diversity and Inclusion's "InclUsive Conversation" at noon on Wednesday, Feb. 19, in the student union's second-floor conference room.
Green will share population projections and the health or socio-economic impact for rural Mississippians. For more information, email Shirley Pandolfi at spandolfi@umc.edu.
Wednesday, March 18
MSU faculty to share rural African-American research

Dr. Carolyn Adams-Price, associate professor of psychology and chair of the Gerontology Program at Mississippi State University, will share her research regarding the well-being of older rural African-Americans - with particular emphasis on these individuals' attachment to place and linkages to perceptions of health providers - as part of the UMMC Office of Diversity and Inclusion's "InclUsive Conversations" series at noon on Wednesday, March 18, in the student union's second-floor conference center.
For more information, email Shirley Pandolfi at spandolfi@umc.edu.
Wednesday, April 15
Global education expert to talk about inclusive practices

Mei-Chi C. Piletz, executive director of the Global Education Program at Mississippi College, will speak about "inclusive practices" in working with international students, faculty, families and patients at a complex organization like UMMC during the UMMC Office of Diversity and Inclusion's "InclUsive Conversation" at noon on Wednesday, April 15, in the student union's second-floor conference center.
For more information, email Shirley Pandolfi at spandolfi@umc.edu.
Thursday, April 23
Women's medical, science group to host awards luncheon
The Group on Women in Health and Science will host an awards luncheon at noon on Thursday, April 23, in the student union's second-floor conference center.
For more information, email gwims@umc.edu.