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- Nov. 8, 2018
Nov. 8, 2018

SON 70th anniversary celebration, invited lectures top upcoming event list
Several interesting events are scheduled for the upcoming weeks at the Medical Center.
Friday, Nov. 9
Celebration to honor School of Nursing's 70th anniversary
The School of Nursing will host a celebration to honor 70 years of educating nurse leaders on Friday, Nov. 9, in the School of Nursing building.
A reception in the lobby and a tour of the school will take place from 1-4 p.m. Special guests will make remarks and an alumni panel discussion will begin at 2 p.m. in classroom A102.
For more information, click Read More below or email mflowerday@umc.edu.
Monday, Nov. 12
USM nutrition expert to discuss demographic obesity disparities

Dr. Jennifer Lemacks, associate professor of kinesiology and nutrition at the University of Southern Mississippi, will give the Population Health Grand Rounds presentation, "Knowledge Versus Wisdom: Misalignment of Practice to Evidence in Obesity Management to Address Demographic Obesity Disparities in the Deep South," from noon-1 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 12, in the fourth floor conference room of the Guyton Research Center.
All Medical Center faculty, staff and students are invited. Continuing medical education credit is available. For more information, click Read More below or email Sondra Redmont at sredmont@umc.edu.
UAB faculty to outline ischemic injury, repair

Dr. Gangjian Qin, professor of medicine and biomedical engineering, director of the Molecular Cardiology Program and vice chair for research in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, will present the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology seminar, "Novel Regulators of Ischemic Injury and Repair," at noon on Monday, Nov. 12, in room 6A.
For more information, call Marilyn McCarthy at 4-1635.
Texas A&M faculty to cover sex, nutrition's role in tissue function

Dr. Annie Newell-Fugate, assistant professor of veterinary physiology and pharmacology at Texas A&M University, will give the UMMC Women's Health Research Center presentation, "The Role of Sex and Nutrition in White Adipose Tissue Function, Metabolic Homeostasis and Reproduction," at 4 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 12, in classroom 3A.
All Medical Center faculty, staff and students are invited. For more information, call Cherese Kelly at 4-1851.
Tuesday, Nov. 13
Virginia neuroscience faculty to crosstalk neurological disease

Dr. John Lukens, assistant professor of neuroscience in the Center for Brain Immunology and Glia (BIG) at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, will give the Neurobiology and Anatomical Sciences Seminar Series presentation, "Microbiome-immune Crosstalk in Neurological Disease," from noon-1 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 13, in classroom 3A (room N318 on the North Wing).
Wednesday, Nov. 14
Belgian professor to expound upon virtual surgery training

Dr. Paul T. Sergeant, professor emeritus at K. U. Leuven University, Flanders, Belgium, will give the Department of Surgery Grand Rounds presentation, "The Art of Surgery: Skills Training With My Virtual Surgery," from 8-9 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 14, in room CW106 of the Classroom Wing.
For more information, email Carol Hollingsworth at cphollingsworth@umc.edu.
Arkansas peds faculty to lecture on ketamine uses

Dr. J. Grady Crosland, associate professor of pediatric anesthesiology and pain medicine at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, will present the Department of Anesthesiology Grand Rounds lecture, "Ketamine: Multiple Uses for an Old Friend," from 6:30-7:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 14, in room LH122 of the medical education building.
For more information, call Ellecia Cooper at 5-1010 or email elcooper@umc.edu or call Cathy Braboy at 4-5914 or email cbraboy@umc.edu.
Special Olympics exec to promote inclusion revolution

Monica Daniels, executive director of Special Olympics Mississippi, will give the Office of Diversity and Inclusion InclUsive Conversation presentation, "The Revolution Is Inclusion," from noon-1 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 14, in room CW-106 of the Classroom Wing.
Lunch will be available on a first-come basis. For more information, call Mandy Scott at 5-7857 or visit www.umc.edu/odi.
Texas trademark experts to examine research patents
Experts from the Texas Regional Office of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office will provide an overview of the function and uses of various types of patent applications during a presentation, "Intro to Patent Examination: What Researchers Need to Know," at noon on Wednesday, Nov. 14, in room 4A of the Research Wing.
Lunch will be available to the first 40 in attendance. For more information, email Dr. Jim Petell at jpetell@umc.edu.
Augusta postdoc fellow to tout leptin therapy for lipodystrophy

Dr. Thiago Bruder do Nascimento, postdoctoral fellow at the Vascular Biology Center, Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University, will give the Department of Physiology and Biophysics presentation, "Leptin Therapy for the Vascular Disease Associated with Congenital and Acquired Lipodystrophy," from noon-1 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 14, in room CW308 of the Classroom Wing.
For more information, call Courtney Graham at 4-1820.
Wednesday, Jan. 9
Equity director to help overcome impostor syndrome

Dr. Rashanda Booker, director of institutional equity and partnerships, will present the Office of Diversity and Inclusion's InclUsive Conversation, "No Longer 'Waiting to Exhale:' Overcoming Impostor Syndrome and Battle Fatigue," from noon-1 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 9, in room CW-106 of the Classroom Wing.
For more information, call Mandy Scott at 5-7857.
Thursday, Jan. 17
OSU diversity expert to explain 'life and death' imperative

Dr. Quinn Capers of the Ohio State University College of Medicine will give the Office of Diversity and Inclusion's Distinguished Lecture Series presentation, "Diversity Enhancement in Medicine: More Than a Good Idea - A Life and Death Imperative," from noon-1 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 17, in classroom R-153 (lower amphitheatre).
Lunch will be available on a first-come basis. For more information, call Mandy Scott at 5-7857.
Award ceremony to recognize service, inclusive excellence
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion's "The Pillars: Recognition of Service and Inclusive Excellence" Awards Presentation is scheduled from 4-5 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 17, in the student union conference center.
For more information, call Mandy Scott at 5-7857.