Michigan diabetes researcher's presentation, Schwartz Rounds highlight week's activities
Published on Monday, April 24, 2017
Published on April 24, 2017
Several interesting events are scheduled for the upcoming week at the Medical Center.
Tuesday, April 25
Michigan diabetes researcher to cover leptin mechanisms
Dr. Martin Myers Jr., professor of diabetes research, internal medicine and molecular and integrative physiology in the University of Michigan Health System, will present “Molecular and Neural Mechanisms of Leptin Action” from noon-1 p.m. on Tuesday, April 25, in classroom 3A (room 318 on the North Wing).
All Medical Center faculty, staff and students are invited. The presentation is part of the Neurobiology and Anatomical Sciences Seminar Series.
For more information, call Karneilla McGee at 4-1686.
Wednesday, April 26
Revenue manager to review coding, billing damage control
Karen Marble, revenue manager in the Department of Surgery, will give the Department of Surgery Grand Rounds presentation, “Coding 201: Damage Control Coding/Billing,” at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, April 26, in room CW308 of the Classroom Wing.
Continuing medical education credit is available. For more information, email Carol Hollingsworth at cphollingsworth@umc.edu.
Thursday, April 27
Schwartz Rounds to discuss EMTALA implications
Dr. Robert Galli, professor of emergency medicine, is scheduled to speak at the next Schwartz Center Rounds presentation, "Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA): A Federally Mandated Patient Safety Net," from noon-1 p.m. on Thursday, April 27, in classroom R354 (upper amphitheatre).
All Medical Center health care givers are invited. Lunch will be available on a first-come basis. Attendees must bring their valid UMMC ID badges to register.
For more information, email Dr. Elizabeth Franklin at efranklin@umc.edu.
On the horizon
Pediatric neurologist to present Last Lecture
Dr. Brad Ingram, assistant professor of pediatric neurology, will give the 2017 Last Lecture presentation, sponsored by the Office of Alumni Affairs, student alumni representatives and the Associated Student Body, at noon on Wednesday, May 3, in the Norman C. Nelson Student Union.
All Medical Center faculty, staff and students are invited. Lunch will be available to the first 100 in attendance.
For more information, visit www.umc.edu/lastlecture, call 4-1115 or email alumni@umc.edu.
Repro endocrinology chief to rethink clinical research
Dr. John Preston Parry, associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology and chief of reproductive endocrinology and infertility, will give the Ob-Gyn Grand Rounds presentation, “Rethinking Clinical Research,” at 7 a.m. on Friday, May 5, in room CW106 of the Classroom Wing.
Parry will tackle the challenge of making research relevant to those planning a more clinically focused career, regardless of specialty. For more information, call 4-5330.
St. D. pastoral care director to discuss health care role
Patricia "Pat" Walden, director of pastoral care services at St. Dominic Hospital, will present "Body, Mind and Spirit: The Role of Pastoral Care in Health Care Systems" at noon on Tuesday, May 16, in classroom R153 (lower amphitheatre).
The presentation is sponsored by the Catholic Students Association. Lunch will be available to the first 50 in attendance.
For more information, email Edgar Meyer at emeyer@umc.edu.
Buffalo radiologist to discuss ICONIC transformation
Dr. Dheerendra Prasad, professor of radiation medicine, neurosurgery and oncology; medical director of radiation medicine; director of the Gamma Knife Center; and director of CNS and pediatric radiation medicine at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, New York, will give the Department of Radiation Oncology Grand Rounds presentation, “ICONIC Transformation of Brain Radiosurgery: Clinical Applications of a Novel Tool,” at 8 a.m. on Monday, May 22, in room CW106 of the Classroom Wing.
The presentation is part of the Department of Radiology and the Department of Radiation Oncology's Radiological Science Scholar Day, which will take place from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in CW106. The event will include breakfast, lunch and scholarly presentations by students, residents and clinical and research fellows.
All medical and graduate students, residents and clinical and research fellows involved in imaging-focused scholarly projects are invited to submit abstracts for presentation. The deadline to submit abstracts is Wednesday, May 10.
For more information, email Dr. Srinivasan Vijayakumar at svijayakumar@umc.edu or Dr. Andrew D. Smith at asmith4@umc.edu.
Michigan radiologist to explain rad contrast mysteries
Dr. Matt Davenport, associate professor of radiology and urology, associate chair of quality, chair of the Michigan Radiology Quality Collaborative and director of body MRI in the Department of Radiology at the University of Michigan, will give the Department of Radiology Grand Rounds presentation, "Radiologic Contrast Controversies and Mysteries Explained," at noon on Monday, May 22, in room CW 106 of the Classroom Wing.
The presentation is part of the Department of Radiology and the Department of Radiation Oncology's Radiological Science Scholar Day, which will take place from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in CW 106. The event will include breakfast, lunch and scholarly presentations by students, residents and clinical and research fellows.
For more information, email Dr. Andrew D. Smith at asmith4@umc.edu.