Electronic bulletin board makes eCV debut
Published on Monday, May 23, 2016
Published on May 23, 2016
UMMC's electronic bulletin board, a longtime staple of the old This Week at UMMC newsletter, is returning - with some improvements - in this week's issue of eCV.
The board, a “craigslist”-style display of giveaways and items for sale, trade or wanted by Medical Center faculty, staff and students, is available by clicking the "Bulletin Board" text link at the bottom of eCV's front page.
The board now allows individuals to submit a photo with their listing along with all pertinent information about the item(s) to be sold, traded, given away or needed. The board also now includes every listing's UMMC-validated email address as well.
Only Medical Center employees and students may list items on the board. Garage sale notices and houses or property for sale by a realtor will not be listed. Only pets that are “free to a good home” will be included.
Individuals will be limited to one listing per 30-day period, and no more than five items may be included in a single listing. To view the bulletin board, click here.