External Surveys

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External Surveys

An external survey is any request for official education-related data from off-campus agencies; individuals; or professional, private, and governmental organizations. "Official" data is that which is reported to the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL).

The UMMC policy regarding external surveys reads:

  • "To ensure consistency of data sent to off-campus constituents, the data must be verified by the Office of Institutional Research before being sent to the external agency. Examples of off-campus agencies include individuals, and professional, private and governmental organizations."
  • "All data sent to off-campus constituents must have the data approved by the Office of Institutional Research before mailing. The completed survey should be submitted to the Director of Institutional Research at least three days before the mail date for sending the survey to the requesting agency."
  • "A copy of the survey as it is sent to the off-campus agency will be retained by the Office of Institutional Research."
Surveys that pertain to UMMC health care- and research-related data (e.g., hospitals and clinics, patients, etc.) are exempt from the UMMC policy regarding external surveys, unless the request includes education-related data (e.g., student or faculty).

All off-campus surveys should be referred to the Office of Institutional Research.