VC Notes Archive Office of the Vice Chancellor
Friday, November 4, 2016

Let Your Voice Be Heard

Good morning!

I_voted.jpgOur national election day is just five days away. I, for one, am ready to vote, and I hope you will exercise your citizenship and do the same. As somebody once said, “If you don't vote, you're not entitled to complain about the outcome.” 

As is our long-standing practice, voting should be on an employee's own time, so please plan your day accordingly. The polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The current election has stimulated considerable discussion in the news media, social media and other venues. That's probably an understatement. 

It's healthy to be passionate about the candidates and causes you support. It's also important to be respectful of others who hold different opinions than you. These two interlocking principles - which are often in tension with each other - are fundamental to making a democracy like ours work.

Here are a few dos and don'ts about politically inspired behavior in the workplace, courtesy of Human Resources:

  • Don't initiate discussion of election politics with patients and their families, and - without being rude - generally avoid the subject if asked.


  • Faculty and supervisors should not inquire about the preferred candidates of their students or employees, respectively.



  • With regard to clothing, pamphlets and other materials that reflect support for a particular candidate, employees should abide by the policies on solicitation and personal appearance in the Faculty/Staff Handbook, which can be found on the campus Intranet under the Administration tab.


Whatever the outcome on election day, I am hopeful that at least one thing will change. I hope that after November 8 our elected officials will work together to address the challenges that confront our nation, regardless of party affiliation or political philosophy. That will often mean that decisions that are reached are seen as imperfect by all sides. But those decisions will move us toward the “happy medium” that represents our best chance at progress on the vital issues America faces.

All views matter, and all voices need to be heard and respected, as together we build a more perfect union and A Healthier Mississippi.

Signed, Lou Ann Woodward, M.D.

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