The new School of Medicine education building and the Translational Research Center have transformed much of the campus landscape at UMMC. Medical Center leaders have just revised the Campus Master Plan that will help shape the direction of growth for the future.
The Board of the Associated Student Body serves as a vital part of interprofessional education at UMMC. For the first time, a student from the School of Nursing has been elected president. Through his leadership, the 2017-18 school year promises to be one of inclusion and collaboration.
Friends of Children’s Hospital’s annual signature event, BankPlus Presents Enchanted Evening, showcases growing broad community support for Batson Children’s Hospital and Children’s of Mississippi: the nonprofit group has pledged $20 million for the Campaign for Children’s of Mississippi.
Medical Center leadership is proud to acknowledge those employees who will celebrate service anniversaries during the week of Aug. 28-Sept. 3.
Several interesting events are scheduled for the upcoming week at the Medical Center.