A customizable events calendar, a vastly improved search engine and a magical weather widget are just some of the features the Medical Center's new intranet site will offer when it debuts Oct. 16. But its greatest attribute may be its accessibility: Medical Center employees and students will be able to locate the intranet on their laptops, tablets and smartphones.
It’s bad enough to grow up in abject poverty with a mother who doesn’t love you. But when you come from an abusive home and have rotting teeth that make you a target for school bullies, life can seem barely worth living. Sonja Lauren persevered, though, and now educates tomorrow’s dentists about how they can make sure her history doesn't repeat for others.
With the arrival of cold and flu season, doctors say the best way to stay healthy is by washing hands and getting a flu shot. For parents whose children get either virus-induced condition, symptoms can determine whether medical care is needed.
Several interesting events are scheduled for the upcoming weeks at the Medical Center.
Medical Center leadership is proud to acknowledge those employees who will celebrate service anniversaries during the week of Oct. 7-13.