Physician-owned-and-managed Hattiesburg Clinic is lending UMMC its expertise in Epic to help providers better coordinate delivery of care. The clinic is a national leader in the development of “Healthy Planet,” a progressive feature that aggregates medical data for entire populations of patients.
Dr. Timothy Ricks graduated from the School of Dentistry in 1995. His path during the last quarter century has led him to public health dentistry in the Indian Health Service and, in 2018, to an appointment as chief dental officer for the U.S. Public Health Service.
Population health is a multifaceted approach to improving health outcomes. Likewise, multiple squares must be filled to win at BINGO. John D. Bower School of Population Health faculty will host a campus-wide game in February that will provide information about the mission of UMMC’s newest school.
An admissions and discharge nurse's discovery leads to a Patient Quality and Safety Group award, while the Department of Dermatology's project earns recognition from a national pharmaceutical company.
Several interesting events are scheduled for the upcoming weeks at the Medical Center.
Medical Center leadership is proud to announce the following additions to its faculty and leadership staff.