Eight youngsters wearing colorful helmets excitedly navigated their bicycles through an obstacle course consisting of a rainbow-tinted tube "bridge," a wooden ramp and a large spare tire bordered by brightly hued pylons while their parents cheered from the sidelines. This wasn't a scene from a typical bike camp, though - It was part of a study being conducted by a physical therapy faculty member in the School of Health Related Professions that seeks to inject more physical activity into the lives of children with Down syndrome.
Leaders of multiple cancer programs and hospital administrative services that make up the Clinical Leadership Council meet monthly to iron out problems, set standards and map a path to excellence for their patients. The group also is instrumental in helping prioritize budget needs of cancer programs.
The generation that has transformed the pursuit of convenience from an art to a science is exposing this soft spot for expediency in the way they choose a health care provider, a fondness that is shared by other generations, if in fewer numbers. But at what cost?
Beginning Thursday, Dec. 20, eCV, the Medical Center's twice-weekly e-newsletter, will move to a Thursday-only publication schedule for the duration of the holiday season.
Several interesting events are scheduled for the upcoming weeks at the Medical Center.
Medical Center leadership is proud to acknowledge those employees who will celebrate service anniversaries during the week of Dec. 17-23.