UMMC’s Volunteers of the Year for University Hospital and Children’s Hospital are different from their counterparts at other Mississippi Hospital Association hospitals - but they share the same love of service and giving back to patients.
For many Medical Center employees, a meeting once each day or once each week, no matter how boring, is just part of the job. Wellness advocates have the remedy: Fit flashes get employees out of their chairs and on their feet to exercise for five minutes.
Capt. Jack Sparrow checked on patients at the PICU while Cruella De Vil and her Dalmatians cared for children on the first and fifth floors during Halloween fun Oct. 31 at Children's Hospital. The celebration included "reverse" trick-or-treating with pharmacy residents and a party in the Rainbow Garden with therapy dogs, games and goodies.
A national collegiate honor society initiates three dozen UMMC faculty and students, while the Association of Academic Anesthesiology Chairs selects the Medical Center's anesthesiology chair for a special position.
Several interesting events are scheduled for the upcoming weeks at the Medical Center.
Medical Center leadership is proud to announce the following additions to its faculty and leadership staff.